Take a look at the latest Young Living online catalog (click on image below):
There are 3 different ways to order Young Living essential oils. Choose which way works best for you.
1. Order Retail from Young Living
- you pay full retail price
- you pay shipping
- you pay tax
- Young Living ships directly to you
- order what you want, when you want it
- place your order now from Young Living & use my code #893979
2. Order Retail from Carla (local to Hilton Head Island area only)
- you pay full retail price
- you DO NOT pay shipping
- you pay tax
- you pick up at Carla’s office in Shelter Cove
- order what you want, when you want it
- email your order to me by the 25th of each month
3. Order as a Wholesale Member (Distributor) from Young Living
- you purchase a one-time starter kit ($40-$160)
- you pay reduced membership price (24% below retail)
- you pay shipping
- you pay tax
- Young Living ships directly to you
- 50PV (approx. $50) per year to maintain active status
- 100PV (approx. $100) monthly minimum to earn commission
- no obligation to sell, yet business building is available
- compensation plan details
- business building training is included
- place your order now from Young Living & use my code #893979
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact:
1. Young Living
- website: https://www.youngliving.com
- call: toll-free 1-800-371-3515 • M-F 6am-8pm MT • Saturday 7am-5pm MT
- email: customerservice AT youngliving DOT com
2. Carla, Young Living distributor #893979
- call cell: 843-816-6179
- email HERE
This is what I recommend: sign up to become a Distributor. Why? Because for a $40 sign-up package, you will have access to all wholesale prices. Your only obligation is to order $50 worth of Young Living product per year. You have NO obligation to re-sell or sign up others to the company, but you can if you want to. It’s a business opportunity, but not a business obligation. Please do not let the term “Distributor” intimidate you. If you wish to purchase Young Living oils for the lowest price possible and have them mailed directly to you, become a Distributor.