Hello Lowcountry VegFest 2018 Vendor/Exhibitor,

We are delighted and thankful that you have chosen to partner with us to bring another fantastic event to the Hilton Head Island community. Please read below all the important notes that you will need to know in order to make this event as smooth as possible for all of us.

What: Lowcountry VegFest 2018 hosted by the Palmetto Plant Eaters Club • LowcountryVegFest.com
Where: Shelter Cove Community Park, 39 Shelter Cove Lane, Hilton Head Island, SC
When: Saturday, October 20, 2018 10am to 5pm (set up begins at 8am)
Attendees: We are anticipating at least 1,500.

Confirmed sponsors: http://lowcountryvegfest.com/
Confirmed vendors/exhibitors & EVENT SCHEDULE: http://lowcountryvegfest.com/lcvf17-exhibitors/

1. CONTACT Plug my phone number into your cell phone: Carla Golden (843) 816-6179. If you need anything at any time regarding LCVF18, please don’t hesitate to call or text. My direct email is carlagolden@hargray.com

2. TENTS & BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS All exhibitors are required to use a 10×10 (or comparable) tent. A 12×12 space will be assigned to you in the grass in the park. Please provide or make arrangements for your tent and any tables or chairs you may need. Booth space assignments are below.

– Many criteria go into arranging vendors and we will have done our best to honor your park section request. Please do not request to have your booth moved. Brochures featuring the below map have already been sent to the printer.

– The lawn will be spray-painted to designate each 12×12 space and each space will be numbered so that you can find it easily on event day starting at 8am.

– DO NOT drive your vehicle into the park to unload. Driving on the festival and event lawns is prohibited.

– It is not required, however, you may elect to bring tent weights in case the weather is windy in the waterfront park. You can consider using ropes tied to water- or sand-filled milk jugs or soda bottles.

Click on the below map to see a larger image:

– It is not required though it’s a good idea, especially for food vendors, to have a sandwich board or other type of sign featuring your offerings and prices a bit away from your booth so that attendees don’t walk to and crowd the front of your booth to see what you’re serving before committing to getting in line. A banner across the top front of your tent is also an idea. Examples:

3. NO BALLOONS We request that you please not use helium balloons to decorate your booth space. Deflated balloons are dangerous to sea life.

4. COMPOSTABLES We request that you use compostable service ware (cups, plates, utensils, etc.) if possible. Brands to consider are: EcoProducts.com, Fabri-Kal.com, VegwareUS.com, EmeraldBrand.com, BioPlanetProducts.com, Leafware.com, SustyParty.com, WorldCentric.org, GoodStartPackaging.com – thank you!

– Local residents have become very active in their avoidance of plastic straws and plastic single-use bags. Please plan accordingly.

5. TRASH & RECYCLING Please remove your excess garbage & recycling with you at the end of the event. Anything that doesn’t naturally fit in the provided trash or recycling bins is considered excess. (Please do NOT load recycling bins with flattened cardboard boxes during set up.)

6. SET-UP & PARKING We ask that you stay until the end of the event at 5pm. We are providing added entertainment until 5pm to keep the park energetic until the last minute. The event runs 10am to 5pm. Set up begins at 8am. We ask that you not move around the park soliciting customers or handing out literature during the event.

– We respect the investment of time, money, and energy you have made in Lowcountry VegFest 2018.We prohibit attendees from walking into the park to solicit other attendees with flyers, leaflets, or any other marketing material for any purpose. If you see solicitation away from a paid vendor booth occuring, please report it to a security guard or event administrator. We ask that you not roam the event soliciting attendees so that no one thinks it’s okay to do such. You may share whatever event-compliant material you’d like from your booth. You have applied & paid for the right to conduct this activity.

– You will be able to pull your vehicle close to the park to unload starting at 8am. Please then move your vehicle to the designated vendor-only parking lot behind the park playground (see map above) to make way for attendees. After 5pm you will again be able to bring your vehicle close to the park to load up. DO NOT drive into the park!

7. REQUIRED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Exhibitors heating food will need to provide their own Class ABC fire extinguisher. Exhibitors frying food will need to provide their own Class K fire extinguisher in addition to a Class ABC fire extinguisher. Extinguishers must be mounted and have current tags. Please read the event Fire Department regulations below. Non-compliance will prevent you from participating in the event. A Fire Marshal will be onsite during set up to inspect all booths.

– We will be providing temporary fencing (physical barrier) behind vendors with heat sources to separate and keep safe the public per guidelines below.

– Please provide your own NO SMOKING signs if you are bringing/using propane.

– If you have a question regarding the below guidelines for the HHI Fire Department, please contact Ms. Joheida Fister, Fire Marshal, at (843) 682-5140. She is familiar with our event.




8. ELECTRICITY If you requested, paid for, and are using the electrical outlets in the park, it is imperative that you use an industrial strength extension cord (the orange or yellow ones) in order not to blow the circuits. (You really don’t want to be the vendor who cuts off power for yourself and the other vendors!) The Fire Department is requiring us to clump all food-heating vendors together this year so there will be strain on concentrated electrical outlet banks. Please use an industrial cord!

Vendors who requested electrical access:

Norwex – Laureen’s Let’s Clean
Sweet Carolina Cupcakes
Holmes Sweet Home
Delishee yo
Kayak Kafe
Manoba Vegan Foods
Revolution Gelato
Fox & Fig Cafe
Crazy Jack Vegan
Ann Miller Integrative Wellness
doTERRA – Stefanie Stavola
Hilton Head Solar
Bunge Chiropractic Health Clinic
Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company
Healthy Habits Chopped Salads
Holy Tequila
Charbar Co.
Lemonade Mixology
Mediterranean Harbour Bar & Grill
Pure Natural Market
Simply Scented Candles
Mahogany Reef Juice & Java
Peace of Soul Vegan Kitchen

– If your electrical needs have changed, please notify me ASAP. Electric access is limited.

EXTRA ELECTRICAL NOTES – Please see the attached map. We have had to do a little dancing with the outlet access to make sure everyone who requested on has an outlet. Those where indicated below need to bring a 100ft. outdoor (orange) extension cord which will cost you about $25. Everyone else should be ok with a 50ft. outdoor (orange) cord. PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL EXTENSION CORDS ARE OUTDOOR (ORANGE) CORDS. No household indoor extension cords permitted.

22 – Delishee yo
23 – Peace of Soul Vegan Kitchen
24 – Kayak Kafe
62 – Simply Scented Candles – PLEASE BRING 100ft. outdoor (orange) extension cord

25 – Manoba Vegan Foods
26 – Revolution Gelato
27 – Fox & Fig Cafe

30 – Crazy Jack Vegan – YOU WILL NEED TO CROSS BOOTH #31
31 – Mahogany Reef Juice & Java

66 – doTERRA – Stefanie Stavola – – Outlet across sidewalk – PLEASE BRING 100ft. outdoor (orange) extension cord – we will tape down cord to prevent tripping

67 – Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company – you will be able to park van between inner and outer sidewalks and next to an outlet

68 – Healthy Habit Chopped Salads
69 – Charbar Co. – YOU WILL NEED TO CROSS BOOTH #68
70 – Holy Tequila – – Outlet across sidewalk – PLEASE BRING 100ft. outdoor (orange) extension cord – we will tape down cord to prevent tripping
73 – Pure Natural Market – Outlet across sidewalk – PLEASE BRING 100ft. outdoor (orange) extension cord – we will tape down cord to prevent tripping

Click on image to see at larger scale:

9. ALCOHOL BRACELETS Event administrators and volunteers will be checking IDs at the welcome table and will issue free bracelets for alcohol purchases. If you are selling vegan alcoholic drinks, please pay attention to these bracelets and do not sell to anyone without one. Send patrons back to the welcome table to obtain a drink bracelet before selling alcohol to them. Selling to a minor may shut down your booth and/or our entire event. There will be 4 security guards on site during the event.

10. VEGAN COMPLIANCE By submitting your application and paying your application fee you agreed that all food, merchandise, and educational material will be vegan, about veganism, about liberation and wellness for all animals and people, and/or about environmental/ecological conservation. Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of and cruelty toward animals for food, clothing, entertainment, or any other purposes. Vegan food & edibles do not contain meat/flesh from any animal, eggs, animal milk, animal milk derived products like whey, gelatin, or honey. Vegan consumables are made from fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, fungi, and seeds. All merchandise must be free of leather, feathers, silk, wool, fur, shell, bones, cashmere, insects, or any other animal derivative. Any sponsor or exhibitor who brings food or merchandise into the event that is not compliant will be asked to remove it or to kindly leave. If you’re not sure whether an item is appropriate or not, please ask. We are here to help! Refunds will not be made to exhibitors who are asked to leave for non-compliance.

11. LIABILITY & NO REFUNDS Vendor application fees are not refundable due to foul weather, personal dissatisfaction of event, your inability to keep the event date, or other factors not in the realm of control by the Lowcountry VegFest (LCVF) Planning Committee. By submitting the application & payment you have agreed that you will not hold the LCVF18 Planning Committee, the Palmetto Plant Eaters Club, Carla Golden, or any other committee or club individual responsible for you, your people, your equipment, your food, or your money and cash on hand in relation to this event. We are committed to making LCVF18 a fantastic experience for you and our community. This event will take place rain or shine.

12. MEDIA AGREEMENT By taking part in LCVF18 you agree that you, your business, your booth, and your food/merchandise are willingly subject to photographs or video by the committee, videographer, or photographer hired by the committee for future marketing purposes and/or by local media.

13. BUSINESS LICENSES Out of town vendors, regardless of type, do not need to obtain any kind of special event license. Hilton Head Island based vendors need to have an active business license on file with the Town. An expired business license will prevent you from participating in this event. MLM distributors do not need a local business license. I have submitted all business information supplied from your application to the Town of Hilton Head Island for vetting. Once everyone is cleared, an event permit will be issued.

– It is not required but it would be smart to have a copy of your business license, food service permit, and/or business insurance with you “just in case.”

14. FOOD VOUCHERS We will provide numbered food vouchers to the two speakers and the members of the two bands. Please allow them to redeem these at your food booths. Please see Carla before the end of the event or contact her after the event to be reimbursed. Carla Golden carlagolden@hargray.com (843) 816-6179

15. WIFI There will be free WiFi in the park.

16. HASHTAGS Event hashtags are: #LowcountryVegFest #LCVF18 #PartyWithPlants We are on Facebook and Instagram.