The Palmetto Plant Eaters Club is free, open to the public, and meets monthly to teach and support whole-food, plant-based vegan eating. The Club will host Karen Heitman as its guest speaker on Wednesday, June 5th at 6:30pm at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Lowcountry building at 110 Malphrus Road in Bluffton, SC. She will discuss the National Health Association, the oldest non-profit organization in the world that promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet. She will share how the NHA and the Eat Smart, Live Longer Club of Sun City learned about one another, how they continue to help bring excellent speakers to Sun City, and how the NHA can benefit each of us in the wider community.
The one hour Palmetto Plant Eaters Club meeting will consist of introductions, announcements, upcoming calendar events, and the guest presentation. Afterward a Q&A session will take place for the speaker and to address any general plant-based lifestyle topics. Our meetings are for the curious, newbies, and longtime plant-based vegan practitioners alike. A drawing will be held and one vegan prize will be given away to one meeting attendee. Must be present to win. Learn more about the Palmetto Plant Eaters Club HERE.
Karen Heitman is the founder of the Eat Smart, Live Longer Club in Sun City Hilton Head. She and her two sisters were instrumental in helping to grow the club to its’ current membership of 600+ dues paying members. Karen has a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell University and is on the Board of Directors of the NHA. Karen graduated from the College of William and Mary with a degree in Education and supervised survey research for National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago as well as Research Triangle Institute in North Carolina.