I first heard about the Four Sigmatic company when I heard Rich Roll interview the company’s founder Tero Isokauppila. I was intrigued not only by the fascinating fungus kingdom but also by the adaptogenic properties of mushrooms. I was ready to try some mushroom elixirs!
“It may surprise you to learn that mushrooms account for an astonishing 25% of the Earth’s total biomass. 92% of all plants are dependent upon mushrooms for their survival. 40% of all pharmaceuticals contain some form of mushroom. And, quite incredibly, 85% of human RNA and 50% of human DNA is shared with fungi.” (source)
The most important things to first understand about drinking mushrooms is that these mushrooms are not hallucinogenic and they don’t taste like mushroom broth.
The mushroom elixirs are a loose powder that contain a potent dose of extracted, organic mushrooms combined with herbs. They do not contain coffee and are free of caffeine.
So far I’ve had the Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps and Chaga elixirs as tea and have enjoyed them equally. I can’t say that I’ve noticed any significant health benefits from consuming the elixirs but they’ve certainly not lessened my good health. They provide for me an enjoyable warm drink without any compromise.

“Lion’s Mane is an all-natural brain booster. Lion’s Mane stimulates production of Nerve Growth Factor, a bioprotein that plays a critical role in the maintenance, health and regeneration of neurons in the brain. (A lack of NGF is considered one of the causes of Alzheimer’s and other degenerative brain diseases.) Lion’s Mane helps improve memory, boosts creativity, helps with concentration, and improves mental clarity.
Use it to optimize cognitive performance for working and studying.” (source)
The Mushroom Elixir Mix with Lion’s Mane contains Organic Lion’s Mane mushroom, organic rhodiola, organic filed mit and rose hips extract, and organic stevia. Use this link to Four Sigmatic to get $15 off your first order.
Elixirs can be simply added to hot water to make a mushroom tea or to any other hot/warm beverage. They can also be mixed into a smoothie, or used in cooking and baking. What I like the most about the mushroom elixirs is that some are medium potency which tastes more like tea and some are deeper potency which tastes more like a mild black coffee. I enjoy drinking these often, especially at night. They are soothing, tasteful, and don’t interrupt my sleep. The tastes makes me feel like I’m drinking a black tea or black coffee – both which I love – yet with the mushroom elixirs, there is no caffeine.

“Reishi mushrooms are often called the “queen of mushrooms” due to their powerful adaptogenic effects on mind and body. Full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, reishi tea has been used for thousands of years as an immune and longevity tonic.
Reishi helps to regulate the hormonal system and lower cortisol levels, so it’s perfect for helping to wind down and relax. It’s also awesome for sleep as it has been shown to enhance both the quality and quantity of deep, slow wave sleep. Studies also show it can also be helpful in lowering blood sugar in diabetics and decreasing excess fat storage.
Use this adaptogenic mushroom to boost your immune system, relieve stress and anxiety, feel more balanced, and get deeper sleep.” (source)
The Mushroom Elixir with Reishi contains organic Reishi mushrooms, organic tulsi (holy basil), and organic field mint and rose hips extract. Use this link to Four Sigmatic to get $15 off your first order.

“Cordyceps is a pre-workout energizer. It’s not a stimulant, but instead an adaptogenic mushroom which supports your adrenal glands and helps your body produce and maintain consistent energy levels. Cordyceps increases cellular oxygen absorption, so it can be beneficial for those with asthma as well as athletes. It helps fight fatigue, boosts strength and stamina, can improve exercise performance, and expedite recovery from hard workouts.
As an antioxidant powerhouse, cordyceps is also an anti-ager!
Use it to defy aging, provide long-lasting energy, improve athletic performance and speed up recovery.” (source)
The Mushroom Elixir with Cordyceps contains organic Cordyceps mushrooms, organic schisandra, and organic field mint and rose hips extract. Use this link to Four Sigmatic to get $15 off your first order.

“Chaga is an inflammation-tamer. If you’re working on lowering inflammation in your body, chaga should be your new best friend. Chaga mushrooms are jam-packed with antioxidants to help your body fight inflammation and scavenge free radicals.
Chaga is a powerful adaptogen which modulates the immune system. Research has shown that it can help fight off viral infections and possibly even cancer, particularly of the liver, lung and brain.
Use it to fight inflammation, support immunity and provide sustained energy.” (source)
The Mushroom Elixir with Chaga contains organic Chaga mushrooms, organic eleuthero, and organic field mint and rose hips extract. Use this link to Four Sigmatic to get $15 off your first order.
I honestly think this elixir with Chaga is my favorite because it is dark, rich, earthy and tastes like a cup of mild black coffee that I can drink in the evening without worrying about my sleep being affected because it is caffeine-free.

I’ve also tried the Mushroom Golden Latte Mix which has organic coconut milk powder, turmeric powder and black pepper, organic Turkey Tail mushroom, organic coconut palm sugar, organic ginger, organic tulsi, and organic stevia. It’s a great option for a quick cup of gluten-free, vegan golden milk. Use this link to Four Sigmatic to get $15 off your first order.

For a creamy, chocolate treat The Mushroom Cacao Mix with Reishi contains organic Reishi mushrooms, organic cacao powder, organic coconut palm sugar, organic cinnamon, organic cardamom, and organic stevia. It’s so wonderful! Use this link to Four Sigmatic to get $15 off your first order.

And lastly I have tried – an thoroughly enjoyed – the decadent Mushroom Chocolate. It contains organic heirloom cacao, organic cocoa butter, organic coconut sugar, the Four Sigmatic Mushroom Blend (Chaga, Reishi, Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Shiitake, Maitake, Enokitake, Agaricus, Meshima, Tremella, and rose hips), organic vanilla bean, and pink Himalayan salt. It is a deep, aromatic chocolate experience and you’ll be amazed that you can’t taste the mushrooms in any way that you’d expect.
I’m thankful for the Four Sigmatic brand that makes these delightful and health conscious consumables and others available to us. Give them a try! I think you’ll be amazed that something so therapeutic can taste so very good. Use this link to Four Sigmatic to get $15 off your first order.
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