Recently I was lucky enough to be invited to hear Michael Klaper, MD speak about bone health and avoiding osteoporosis. He said something that made the audience squirm in unison, even the supposedly aware vegans among us.

He said that modern industrialized dairy cows have been bred so that they are able to be milked WHILE being pregnant. You know that mammals, all mammals, typically make milk after the birth of their baby, not while pregnant with their baby. Agricultural science has allowed us to defy nature and force these bovine mothers to produce milk and babies simultaneously.
If that’s not reason enough to stop supporting a cruel dairy industry, this is: drinking milk from a pregnant cow is HIGHLY discouraged for health reasons. You are not a baby cow. You don’t need the calories, content, or hormones of a bovine mother ESPECIALLY not when her hormones are extremely elevated while producing a new baby.
Dairy liquids and solids are not only saturated with pregnant bovine hormones, they are also chock full of dioxins and PCBs. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) such as DDT, PCBs, and dioxins bio-magnify through the food chain and bio-accumulate in the fat of organisms.

“POPs mimic our estrogen hormones, bind to our receptors, and throw off our own hormonal balance. POPs in men have been associated with a lowered testosterone level, which is deleterious in regards to muscle gains, sexual health, and fertility. In women, POPs can lead to estrogen dominance symptoms which include weight issues, endometriosis, PMS, fibroids, breast tenderness, acne, fertility issues, and hormone-dependent cancers. In kids, POPs and animal estrogen can lead to early puberty and long-term health problems such as an increased risk of breast cancer, and mental health problems.
Lead and other toxic chemicals have also been found in these foods, and are linked to neuro-developmental and behavioral issues in kids. Dairy also contains 5-a-pregnanedione, a precursor to dihydrotestosterone, which is an androgen that’s associated with acne, male-pattern balding, and prostate cancer.”
Cow milk, from large and small farms, from conventional and organic dairies, is riddled with undesirable elements. Humans don’t need cow milk and many studies show that we are better off getting our calcium and protein from plant sources…you know…from where the cow got hers.

When you know and embrace the truth regarding the cruel nature of dairy farms and when you know and embrace the truth regarding the toxic nature of cow milk, it’s easy to start looking into plant based options. It’s one of the easiest plant alternative categories to explore because there are so many plant milk options: almond, oat, rice, hemp, soy, macadamia, hazelnut, pea, coconut. flax, cashew, and blends. There is one that is right for you. I personally love organic soy milk in my cereal and I enjoy a coconut almond blend creamer in my chai tea. There are many recipes online and in books to make plant milks at home.

Switch 4 Good is a great resource for those looking to improve their health and make more compassionate choices.
“Switch4Good is a united team of dairy-free athletes, medical professionals, and every day active folks. Some of us have won Olympic medals and some of us simply take the stairs instead of the elevator. We have all learned that cows’ milk is not a health food for humans and we use this knowledge to encourage others to make the switch. Even if you’re just considering going dairy-free, you’re in the right place! Switch4Good has the resources to get you excited about transitioning to a dairy-free lifestyle so you can feel lighter, more energized, and prepared to tackle any training or hectic work day that comes your way.”
What’s worse than milk? Cheese. Cheese is concentrated milk. So all those hormones and POPs are present in higher concentration in cheese. Plus cheese is one of the highest sodium foods created. It’s loaded with fat calories and more cholesterol than steak and is riddled with casomorphins that are present in milk to keep a calf “hooked” on eating. These are opiates that adversely affect the human brain.

Dr. Neal Barnard can help you understand all the many good and smart reasons to stop eating cheese made from animal milk. Like any good whole food, plant-based vegan health book, Dr. Barnard’s book includes many vegan cheese recipes to make at home.

Vegan cheese brands at the grocery store range from highly-processed to minimally processed. Check the ingredients and try your hand at making some at home so that you can control all the ingredients and the level of processing that you seek.
It’s easier than ever for many people to start making the move away from animal milk and cheese and toward plant-based options. Besides milk and cheese, there are vegan alternatives to sour cream, cream cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and butter. Start with replacing milk then cheese and watch your health improve and your compassion expand.
Additional Resources:
• The Dangers of Dairy
• No Whey!
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