The Prettiest & Most Healthful Birthday Cake Ever!

My husband’s birthday was this weekend and I’ve been excited to try making the raw watermelon cake that I’ve seen circulating on the internet. It was a hit!

Here are the details of how we, my daughter and I, made it.

First you need to get two cans of coconut milk for the icing and refrigerate them at least overnight. This is the brand we used:

Next you need a seedless watermelon. You don’t need a huge one, actually a small’ish one is best. Cut off the ends as straight as possible to make a flat bottom and a flat top. You decide how tall you’d like your cake to be.

Now cut off all the rind around the edges. Some carving & shaping may be necessary to get it to look cake-like.

Ok, there’s the cake. Put it on a platter and in the fridge to stay cool. Now to make the frosting!

Take the two cans of refrigerated (it won’t work if they’re not refrigerated) coconut milk. Turn the cans upside down and open them from this end. You will see liquid…pour it out. Then scoop out the hardened cream. It will have the texture of something between cream cheese and sour cream.

We filled a very large bowl with ice and then set another bowl on top of the ice and worked with the coconut cream in this bowl so that it would stay cool. Now it’s time to whip! We used a manual beater, however you can use an electric one. Whip the cream until it thickens, is smooth and peaks a little.

Add a bit of sweetener to the coconut cream. We used two small squirts of raw, organic agave syrup and a dash of vanilla extract. You can use maple syrup or honey. Use whatever sounds good to you and you don’t need much. I highly recommend taste-testing along the way!

After blotting the watermelon cake with a clean towel to remove excess water, ice the cake. It’s amazing how easy this is! The icing sticks and doesn’t slide as long as everything stays cool. We iced it and then returned it to the fridge.

Next come the sliced almonds around the edges. After putting them on, we returned the cake to the fridge for another cooling off.

Now for the decoration on top! We used blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, a slice of star fruit and some mint leaves. Be creative! Use your favorite fruits…preferably nothing too watery.

We returned the cake to the fridge to stay cool. It would be another several hours until it was time for us to celebrate and the cake held up great. Here is the cake with candles. Everything (icing & fruit) stayed in place!

My husband blowing out his candles and the official cake decorator:

Here’s how the cake looks when cut into:

Did my husband like it? Well, he was certainly surprised! And here he is cutting a second slice for himself. I’d say it was a success!

While this cake is more healthful than most other cakes, it does slightly breach a couple of low-fat, high-fruit lifestyle guidelines. Watermelon, or any melon, is best eaten alone.

Click: 7 Reasons to Love a Monomeal

And the fat content of the icing is a bit high to be eating with fruit.

Click: The Problem with Fruit

However, it’s a celebration! Even I can bend the rules for fun & celebration.

Are you interested in learning how to THRIVE on a low-fat, high-fruit lifestyle which optimally fuels your physical body while supporting a strong spiritual connection for your soul? If so, follow me over here to The Healers Diet.

Happy Celebrating!!

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Stephanie Lei September 2, 2013 at 10:33 am

Wonderful photos, process, watermelon cake with family included! Thanks Carla – good to read and see it too! Happy Birthday to your good-looking hubby too!


Carla Golden September 2, 2013 at 10:42 am

Thank you Stephanie…all around! Hope you find an occasion to try the cake!


Jina September 2, 2013 at 12:50 pm

MMmmmmmm! It looks amazing, Carla! I am so glad you posted the recipe and how-to!
Jina recently posted..My guilty pleasureMy Profile


Carla Golden September 2, 2013 at 5:45 pm

I hope you try it, Jina! 🙂


Carolyn September 12, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Love this! Watermelon, coconut milk, and berries all in one exquisite cake-looking masterpiece – it’s the Trifecta!
I often eat a half a watermelon all by myself for lunch or dinner in the summertime, so color me happy to see this recipe!
Now I know what to take to my local vegan potluck this week -I’m sure it will be a big hit! Love the cute family photos too!


Carla Golden September 12, 2013 at 7:46 pm

I hope you do make it Carolyn and LOVE it like we did!! Enjoy!!


amy October 25, 2013 at 8:39 pm

We put candles in a watermelon one year for my brother’s bday. He hates sweets and loves watermelon so we went with it. My mom is a professional cake decorator and she is going to love this, I sent her the link. Thanks as always Carla!


Carla Golden October 26, 2013 at 3:12 pm

Love the candles in the watermelon! That’s aweome. Sometimes simple is best! Hope your mom enjoys the link. :o)
Carla Golden recently posted..Why & How to Feed the Divine Feminine in Men & WomenMy Profile


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