Do You Have Shitferbrains?

Did you know that there is a direct correlation between what is IN your colon and what is ON your mind? Brain fog, poor recall, and headaches can all be signs of constipation or sluggish colon.

Having shitferbrains is not an accidental phrase!

Welcome to your colon:

Colon Reflexology

Colon Reflexology

Reflex points are more commonly known on the feet & hands, but have also been mapped on the colon. As you can see on the chart above, different areas of the colon correlate to different areas of the body. A stagnation in one area of the colon can cause stagnation in affiliated parts of the body.

Because we are a thinking-oriented society, we tend to realize when our brains (as opposed to our spleens) are not functioning optimally. When fecal matter builds or the mucous lining of the colon wall thickens on the approximately 40-60 square feet of surface area, a toxic environment can affect the whole body.

In Philip Shepherd’s book New Self, New World he explores the implications of the little known fact that we have two brains. In addition to the familiar cranial brain in the head, there is a “second brain” in the gut. This is not a metaphor. Scientists recognize the web of neurons lining the gastrointestinal tract as an independent brain, and a new field of medicine – neurogastroenterology – has been created to study it.

“Technically known as the enteric nervous system, the second brain consists of sheaths of neurons embedded in the walls of the long tube of our gut, or alimentary canal, which measures about nine meters end to end from the esophagus to the anus. The second brain contains some 100 million neurons, more than in either the spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system.” If you’re totally fascinated by now, you’ve got to read this Scientific American article.

The Second Brain

The Second Brain

One of the best ways to elevate your overall health – physical, mental, spiritual & emotional – is to focus on the health of your colon. Eating foods high in fiber and low in refined sugar like fruit, vegetables and whole grain products are desirable. Including fermented foods like sauerkraut, plain yogurt, or kombucha will add to the good bacteria in your colon for breaking down and processing fecal matter, especially if you have a history of antibiotic use, excessive stress, poor diet or compromised health.

There has been an associated link between coffee intake and decreased risks of Alzheimer’s and dementia. I believe the nutritional profile of coffee is irrelevant and that the caffeine in coffee instigating a bowel movement is the key to preventing mental deterioration. It’s the regularly moved colon that reduces the degeneration of the brain. However I don’t advocate the use of coffee as a colon stimulant because it carries too many negative side effects, but mild green tea and an improved diet can work together to prevent a sluggish or constipated colon.

In the ever-vigilant pursuit to craft & sell trendy quick fixes, our society is beginning to realize that there are no 3, 5, 7, or 10 day solutions to lifelong illness & improper dietary habits. Cleanses & detoxes can kick-start a lifestyle change, but I think these programs are mere fads and not worth your time or money. Investing in your education about food & in more healthful food is worthwhile!

A study of chronically constipated individuals showed an increase in bowel movements (bms) from 1.7 per week to 3.5 per week on prunes (dried plums) and 2.8 bms per week using Metamucil fiber supplement. Vegans who eat a diet of only plants achieve 10.9 bms per week! (Click here for study video.)

Bowel Movement Study

Bowel Movement Study

Learning how to incorporate healing & cleansing foods everyday is a key to regular bowel activity and longterm vitality. If you don’t evacuate your bowels daily without supplementation (pills, powder, prescription) then it is imperative that you study your food & make significant changes to your diet. My free program Fruit Til Five™ is an excellent place to begin.

A clean colon is imperative to sound health. Being mindful of a clean colon is far more pleasant than having shitferbrains! A clean diet can clarify your intuition & emotions…those gut instincts generated by our second brains. This plays into how we can heal old emotional trauma with food, eat for God, & not eat emotional fear.

Isn’t it time to clean your belly, clear your head & get in closer touch with the heart of life?

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Ramsay April 2, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Fine writing. Clear, concise, funny. Motivational, inspirational; a great jumping off point for those wanting to explore further. Thanks! Beach writing works well.


Carla Golden April 2, 2013 at 5:54 pm

Thank you so much for your kind words Ramsay!! <3


Leonardo Tezduyar April 2, 2013 at 5:55 pm

It is very interesting, and informative on a very important topic. Undigested food turns toxic causing serious damages to the brain, and other organs.
Hope your daughter likes beaches and little tiny creatures all over the place. We attended Docent training in Coastal Discovery Museum, very interesting. I have some videos I can ship over to you for her to see, little turtles rushing to the sea first thing after they hatched!!!, amazing, and heart breaking. Survival rate is 1 in 1000 first few days….
Have a wonderful day…..

Thank you…


Carla Golden April 2, 2013 at 8:30 pm

I bet your training was so informative. The Coastal Discovery Museum is such a wealth of coastal information. Would love to see your videos! I knew the survival rate was slim, but not that slim. I also know that a mother turtle lays her eggs in the same spot where she was born. That is fascinating!!! :o)


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