Falling in Love with a Chlorophyll-Rich Diet

What makes plants green is a substance called chlorophyll which is responsible for photosynthesizing – the usage of light energy from the sun to convert water & carbon dioxide into nutrition (glucose) for the plants.

While humans can not yet photosynthesize (er…wait, or can they?), I believe that eating foods high in chlorophyll helps us to assimilate the healing light & power of the sun more efficiently by creating an overall body chemistry more in tune with nature.

Green Foods

Green Foods

What foods are high in chlorophyll? Green foods! The darker the green, the more chlorophyll. For example:

  • dark, leafy greens especially spinach, kale, chard & collards
  • fresh herbs like parsley, dill & cilantro
  • blue-green algae
  • sprouts
  • wheatgrass
  • matcha whole leaf green tea
  • green vegetables & fruit like peas, asparagus, broccoli, grapes & celery
  • sea vegetables (seaweed like nori)

Chlorophyll is a phytonutrient that oxygenates & detoxifies the blood. It is rich in enzymes and high in amino acids. It alkalizes the body (more on pH here),  is anti-inflammatory & is an antioxidant. It has been shown to repair damaged DNA and speed up the healing process of wounds.

Heavy metal chelation is another function of dietary chlorophyll as is the reduction of bad breath. It helps eliminate the odors of the mouth & throat, but more importantly of the digestive tract where bad breath originates.



The structure of chlorophyll is nearly identical to that of hemoglobin in our blood. The center atom of chlorophyll is magnesium (green) while the center atom of hemoglobin is iron (red). Magnesium is what helps alkalize the body and deliver oxygen to cells & tissues. Chlorophyll even helps promote the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

The trick to retaining maximum chlorophyll in food is to eat it raw or cook/steam it slightly. If you can retain the green color, you will retain the beneficial chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll alone can not counteract an unhealthy diet or lifestyle, but it can be an important, even crucial, part of a healthful, wholesome life.

Additionally, green is the color of our fourth, or heart, chakra. Caroline Myss says “the fourth (middle) chakra is the central powerhouse of the human energy system. It mediates between the body (3 lower chakras) and spirit (3 upper chakras) and determines their health & strength. This chakra embodies the spiritual lesson that teaches us how to act out of love & compassion and recognize that the most powerful energy we have is love.”

Chakras & Colors

Chakras & Colors

I view my big mug of hot matcha tea in the morning as warm liquid love that feeds my body & soul. The ritual with the bamboo scoop, the sifter and the whisk rivals that of any coffee lover’s accouterments.

Amongst its many benefits, matcha…

  • is packed with antioxidants (more than pomegranates or blueberries!) including the powerful EGCg which is a cancer fighting antioxidant
  • boosts metabolism and burns calories & fat without any of the nervous energy stimulated by coffee
  • detoxifies effectively and naturally
  • calms & relaxes with L-Theanine, a rare amino acid that promotes relaxation & well-being in the brain
  • enhances mood & aids in concentration, memory & learning
  • provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium
  • fights against viruses and bacteria
  • is rich in fiber & chlorophyll
  • lowers cholesterol and blood sugar
  • does not raise insulin levels, heart rate or blood pressure
  • increases endurance by 24%

When something beyond me – a thought, a feeling, an idea, a dream – wants to manifest and ground in the physical world, it must first pass through my heart of love & compassion. When something in my physical life – pain, sadness, confusion, anxiety – needs to be offered up or turned over to the higher realms, it needs to first pass through my heart of love & compassion. The heart chakra is the power center of transformation.

Living wholeheartedly or a heart-centered life requires a clear, healthy heart chakra. We need to be able to live from our soul, yet function in this world. I believe that eating & drinking green foods rich in chlorophyll helps us tune into the vibrations of love & light.

I think what I’m really trying to say in that green food helps us synthesize the light of our soul into nourishment for ourselves & others. Perhaps we do photosynthesize after all….but from the inside out.

A chlorophyll-rich diet is one saturated in love & health. Salad anyone?

Additional Resources

Why You Need to Know About Your Chakras

• Matcha Green Tea, Oh How I LOVE Thee!

Alkalizing the Body is Oxygenating the Body

Humans Can Photosynthesize!

{ 23 comments… read them below or add one }

Josephine March 25, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Great diagrams and info, Carla!!!
Josephine recently posted..When I Fall…My Profile


Carla Golden March 25, 2013 at 4:30 pm

Thank you Jo! I know you love green foods….your love shows it!
Carla Golden recently posted..Dirty Food, Clean Food & Foaming Food SoapMy Profile


Rommy March 25, 2013 at 4:03 pm

Great post! I love my greens and how they make me feel…I can’t stand the way I feel when I don’t get them! I’ll give Matcha another chance, I didn’t like it the first go round. Great quote from this blog…”green food helps us synthesize the light of our soul into nourishment for ourselves & others” xo Carla!


Carla Golden March 25, 2013 at 4:34 pm

Thank you Rommy! You exude green love….I can feel it! Maybe dilute the matcha next time so it’s not so strong. You might like it better that way. xo.
Carla Golden recently posted..How to Best Prepare for The Healer’s DietMy Profile


Freddy September 30, 2014 at 2:22 pm

Thank you for all that you have said above! I was researching more on the benefits of parsley and one click after another and I ended up on your page 🙂 I’m 22 years of age and after physical and emotional tolls, I am turning towards a spiritual reformation of myself through healthy eats and practicing more of my yoga. I wasn’t expecting to begin reading your perspective on the chakras whatsoever so it was a beautiful surprise! I’ve always been an optimistic individual and believe that no matter what happens, I shouldn’t let whatever darkness jade my spirit and keep my light shining through. So thanks for culminating the geekyness of photosynthesis (as I’m a science freak as well) to spirituality of humans photosynthesizing from the inside out :’) Please keep posting and have a wonderful day 🙂


Carla Golden October 1, 2014 at 9:42 am

What a lovely comment. Thank you Freddy! Best wishes in your pursuit of optimal health and high vibrations!


Diahann Stevens December 22, 2014 at 6:47 pm

This article is so helpful and informative, the physical foods and herbs, the spiritual chakras , its lovely. Thank You Diahann , a Connected Living site student.


Carla Golden December 22, 2014 at 10:20 pm

Thank you so much for your nice words Diahann!


Diahann Stevens October 25, 2016 at 12:28 am

Thank You! to 2017 and Your “GOLDEN” rays of Knowledge ! Smiles


tajh fisher March 18, 2016 at 5:03 pm

Thank you for the info!!!! Are you doing the global fast, starting today by chance?


Carla Golden March 19, 2016 at 12:23 pm

Nope, not doing the fast. Are you?


Felicia June 5, 2016 at 5:40 pm

I am vegetarian suffering anemia with low iron saturation. What nutrients can be consumed to replenish iron and avoid iron infusion by my specialist?


Carla Golden June 5, 2016 at 6:08 pm

I would look toward trusted doctors for useful guidance. Dr. McDougall is one such doctor who has helped many people regain their health on a whole food, plant-based diet.

Dr. John McDougall on Anemia


Diahann Stevens October 25, 2016 at 12:22 am

Feel like family! Regarding the Hurricane , Praying Best for all Goodness. and that 2017 have an abundance of wellness and more Golden Wellness Events ! Everyday is a holy day , Happy Holidays to the Golden Family ! Diahann


Carla Golden October 25, 2016 at 6:01 pm

Thank you so much Diahann!


Ray December 16, 2016 at 8:55 pm

Hi Carla. Thanks for the detailed and useful information on your site. I wanted to know if there’s any rating for foods high in chlorophyll? which foods have the highest amount of chlorophyll?


Carla Golden December 18, 2016 at 3:29 pm

Hi Ray, I don’t think there is a rating system for chlorophyll amounts in food. Besides the foods mentioned in the article above, you can look at the link below to learn more about foods high in chlorophyll:

Which foods contain chlorophyll, and in what amount?


Med Farhangi June 12, 2018 at 2:29 am

Dear Friends
Would you please let me know your comments regarding the highest rich chlorophyll a microalgae? Have you got any idea about the best ways to induce the microalgae to produces more chlorophyll a?



Carla Golden June 12, 2018 at 7:58 pm

I’m sorry I do not know much about the specifics of chlorophyll a.

“There are five types: chlorophyll a is present in all photosynthetic organisms except bacteria; chlorophyll b, in plants and green algae; and chlorophylls c, d and e, in some algae.”



Kimberly July 12, 2018 at 7:20 pm

Just photosynthesizing Light and Love into your beautiful soul from the inside out!!!
Thinking of you always and keeping you close to my heart!
Hope all is well. Love to Chad & Bella.
Sending glitterdustX23XOXOXOXO
Love,Light, Peace and Energy!!


Carla Golden July 13, 2018 at 4:05 pm

What a treat to see your name pop up here Kosmic Kimberly! Thank you for the love note. All is well here and hope it’s the same there. Thanks for reading, commenting, and photosynthesizing! xoxoxoxo


Alisa June 29, 2022 at 11:08 am

Taking Wellabs Chlorophyll finally helped me improve my digestion. And correct iron deficiency anemia. Now I go to the toilet like clockwork)))


Carla Golden June 29, 2022 at 7:45 pm



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