How to Drink Sensibly or Not at All

Last week I wrote from the heart in my post If You’re Still Drinking, You’re Not Done Yet about my deep concern for the over-consumption of alcohol .

The post was well read & received and garnered many comments of gratitude, testimony and inspiration.

I feel that this is a topic that generates discussion because it touches each of us in different and profound ways. It’s a concern for our time because alcohol seems to have taken over the social landscape.

What does it mean to “drink sensibly?” This phrase is about as vague as “eating in moderation.” Everyone has a different definition. Let’s gain clarity.

5 Versus 6 Ounces of Wine

5 Versus 6 Ounces of Wine

First, let’s break down the numbers. Below I have listed the calorie and carbohydrate counts for various wines, liquor & beer. For good measure I also adjusted counts for Coca Cola (one standard can is 12 oz.) and Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocktail just for comparison.

Did you know that both proteins and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, that fat has 9 calories per gram and that alcohol has 7 calories per gram?

BeverageCaloriesCarbohydrates (grams)
Hard Liquor (ie: vodka, gin, rye, bourbon) without mixer
80 proof 1.5 oz.1050
94 proof 1.5 oz.1170
Coca Cola Classic 1.5 oz. 18.755.1
Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice 1.5 oz.24.46.2
Dry white wine 5 oz.115-1202.8-5
Sweet wine (ie: White Zinfandel) 5 oz.1378.7
Sweet dessert wine 5 oz.23720
Cabernet 5 oz.1153.6
Merlot 5 oz.1194.1
Champagne 5 oz.1182-4
Coca Cola Classic 5 oz.62.516.8
Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice 5 oz.81.320.6
Beer, regular 12 oz.15012
Beer, light 12 oz.95-1103.5-8
Beer, dark 12 oz.17015
Coca Cola Classic 12 oz.15040.5
Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice 12 oz.19549.5

How often have you split a bottle of wine with a friend? This means each of you are enjoying roughly 12.5 ounces of wine, which, if a Merlot, calculates to nearly 300 calories per person.

For 300 calories you could eat a 1 egg/2 egg-white omelet with 2 slices of light bread buttered, 1 sliced strawberry and 1 veggie sausage patty. Sharing a bottle of merlot with your friend over dinner is like adding a breakfast to your meal.

If you are trying to lose weight or maintain your weight, foregoing alcohol will be an easy place to cut calories. If you are dealing with depression, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia or taking prescription medications, you need to be extra careful with limiting your alcohol consumption as to not exacerbate your situation.

The US Government defines moderation as up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men. One drink is the equivalent of 5 fluid ounces of wine, 12 fluid ounces of beer or 1.5 fluid ounces of 80 proof liquor.

Did you know that women who consume two or more alcoholic drinks per day are 25 percent more likely to develop breast cancer?

One Drink Equivalents

One Drink Equivalents

Be honest with yourself about your alcohol consumption. Dare to keep an Drink Diary for 30 days in which you note your daily consumption.

Additionally, here are some clever ways to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption:

  • alternate alcohol drinks with non-alcohol drinks
  • have sparking water with a slice of lime in a cocktail or wine glass
  • relax: hot bath, tea, meditation, rest/nap
  • exercise: run, walk, yoga
  • journal – explore your feelings that lead you to drink
  • take up a new healthy hobby
  • seek therapy
  • do not keep alcohol at home
  • quit smoking (or other associated drinking habits)
  • eat a clean diet rich in fruits & vegetables

The Royal College of Physician’s special adviser on alcohol said being able to give up drinking for two days out of seven showed a drinker was not addicted.

I hope this information is inspiring and useful. I am committed to helping each and every one of you take good care of your health, eat & drink smartly and live long, happy lives.


1. University of Kansas: Alcohol Facts

2. How Many Calories in a Glass of Wine?

3. The Problem with Wine by the Glass

4. What’s the Standard Serving of Wine?

5. Is Wine High in Sugar and Carbs?

6. What Does 300 Calories Really Look Like?

7. Recommended Maximum Intake of Alcoholic Beverages

8. What is Moderation?

9. How Can We Prevent Breast Cancer?

10. House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Alcohol Guidelines

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Laura February 21, 2014 at 11:35 am

I feel much better since I’ve stopped drinking a glass of wine in the evening. By better I mean calmer, less upset by little things, fewer headaches. I have a glass (or a few) of sparkling water with lemon juice. But I’ve noticed on a couple of series I watch, female characters having a glass of wine after a hard day at work, in many episodes, so it’s shown as a habit of these women. What a bad message it sends, and also entices women watching to do the same.
Laura recently posted..Winter Fabric LeavesMy Profile


Carla Golden February 21, 2014 at 10:50 pm

You are so right Laura! Drinking alcohol in general is so strongly supported by our culture. It’s insidious and right now most people don’t realize how damaging it is over time. I’m glad that you have made the switch and are reaping the benefits of a sober life. Thank you for being a sister on the path of a Sober Revolution!!! xoxo.


Carole Geagon November 9, 2014 at 3:41 pm

Hi Carla,
I commend you for broaching such a controversial subject. I have not consumed any alcohol whatsoever in 12 years and am so much better for it in every way. I wish with all my heart that all the people I know would consider how much better their lives would be if they would honestly look at their drinking habits and change them. In terms of skin care (I am an esthetician) drinking more than one drink becomes damaging to all cells of the body causing us to prematurely age and damage our organs. Thank you again for your article.


Carla Golden November 9, 2014 at 4:17 pm

Fantastic!!! Thank you for sharing your experience and professional insight Carole. Yes, I too wish that more/all people would give themselves the gift of alcohol-free living.


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