The Light-Worker’s Diet: Eating for God

My husband and I went away this past weekend to attend an Intentional Living workshop with Dr. Sue Morter. She talked about human beings as entities of compressed energy (as is all matter), how we experience life energetically, why we are here to experience life and how to best serve this life purpose.

Of course I had to ask her how all this related to food.

Dr. Sue Morter

Dr. Sue Morter

Let me start here….

Because the Universe is infinitely expanding (scientifically this has been determined) and we humans are part of the whole cosmic system, we come into this life to help expand consciousness-light-love-God-infinite possibility-peace. (There is no one word that accurately encompasses this concept, so choose your favorite.)

We show up with the subconscious intention to help expand consciousness. The way that we successfully do that is to do the hard work presented on the leading edge of consciousness.

Say what, Carla?

The leading edge is where the light meets the dark (in non-dualistic terms, darkness is the absence of light), and in that space before one becomes the other, there is friction that shows up in our lives in many ways such as ill health, heartache, anger, jealousy, war, pain, natural disaster…or any big or small situation that lacks an experience of  joy-light-love-God for us.

Our task as light-workers/consciousness expanders (and we all are, but some may not choose to do the work as much as or in the same way as others) is to use the energy centers of our body to breathe & harness (yoga, meditation, prayer) infinite possibility-love-light into the way we feel about that situation until we can convert it from one lacking in light to one that is filled with light…becoming light, expanding light and adding to the expansiveness of the universe.

I am so not doing this justice. Please watch Dr. Sue’s TEDx NASA presentation below:

We humans are energy and we vibrate as does light, sound and all living matter & experiences including food, colors & emotions. In the book Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD emotions are correlated to the energy fields of consciousness. “All levels below 200 are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; all levels about 200 are constructive expression of power. The decisive level of 200 is the fulcrum that divides the general areas of forces and power.”

Emotional Correlates of the Energy Fields of Consciousness

Energy LevelEmotion

Dr. Hawkins goes into great detail about each emotion in his book. I post this chart because of how we can feel (ie: how we are vibrating) when we eat. Dr. Sue said that the only thing that impacts our wellbeing more than the food we put in our bodies is the thoughts we think in our mind & how we feel about those thoughts. She said that it’s better to be authentically joyous about eating a pice of chocolate cake than to be angry about eating the broccoli we think we should be eating.

That was a little hard for me to swallow, but I understand the premise.

She went on to say that the best foods for our bodies are living, fresh, organic, alkaline foods, basically foods with high vibration. This pretty much boils down to a diet dominant or high in raw fruits and vegetables. A diet of this description allows us to digest optimally, providing fuel for the body without tapping in to energetic reserves for processing.

An alkaline diet is akin to positive emotions and an acidic diet is akin to negative (below 200 in the chart above) emotions. An acidic diet (meat, soda, alcohol, dairy) is energetically very demanding of the body, co-opting energy for digesting rather than feeling, creating, healing & expanding energetically.

To do the work that God has invited us here to do as a whole, energetic mind, body and soul entity, we need to keep ourselves in an alkaline state as much as possible. Every touchpoint that Dr. Sue offered in the workshop I cover in The Healers Diet. I was so delighted to learn that she and I are aligned in our food philosophies.

The field of using food as a spiritual medium has become my curiosity & passionate focus. Not since I started eating mostly a low-fat raw vegan diet this year did I realize just how clear, light, energetic & positive I could be day after day. I believe that eating can be a spiritual practice that can lead to other & additional spiritual practices. There are many paths and it doesn’t matter where you start. Just start…if you want to become a clearer channel for God’s work.

Do the best you can, buy the highest quality, most beautiful food that you can afford, prepare it with love, give thanks for and bless the food, and eat with peace and gratitude. And remember, being happy is public service. You are expanding consciousness with your joy. Thank you!

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

kare possick December 3, 2012 at 6:25 pm

dear carla–thank you–i have reading your 8 steps and your website and i find it well done and valuable. i appreciate your sharing! blessings for outrageous joy


Carla Golden December 4, 2012 at 9:34 am

Thank you Kare! I am so honored that my work is helping you. <3
Carla Golden recently posted..The Light-Worker’s Diet: Eating for GodMy Profile


nannette June 24, 2013 at 3:18 pm

Wow! Powerful, Beautiful, genius, and a yet one more precious gift I was blessed to receive this day!!! Oh my Goodness how I do thank you and give much gratitude for the abundance of joy I know shall walk out it the rain with! Namaste Nannette


Carla Golden June 24, 2013 at 3:45 pm

So glad you enjoyed it Nannette!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. xo.
Carla Golden recently posted..Banana Oatmeal Cookies: No Sugar, No Wheat, No Butter, No Eggs!My Profile


Brynn December 26, 2015 at 12:26 am

Great article! It is in align with my beliefs. I appreciate your work, Merry Christmas!


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