I have been candling ears since 2005. With each session I grow more fond of the modality. It has been used effectively to relieve symptoms of allergies, high wax production, itching, minor hearing impairment, colds & flus. Ear candling has a fascinating history which you can read here.
Ear candling or coning is the process of using a special hollow candle to pull ear wax and debris out of the ear canal and beyond.
Yes. Stay with me as I walk you through the process.
I use only beeswax dipped muslin ear candles that are one inch in diameter. I choose these because they are safer than the more narrow paraffin dipped candles which burn too hot and can easily cause injury to the ear and skin. Additionally, breathing the smoke created by burning beeswax is much safer for the respiratory system than smoke generated by burning toxic paraffin, a petrol-chemical.
Never EVER attempt to candle your own ears. This is how people burn themselves. Ear candling is a very soothing, noninvasive modality and recipients tend to fall asleep or become very relaxed. Getting sleepy while managing fire is a recipe for disaster.
Attempting to ear candle oneself with paraffin candles has given ear candling in general a very bad reputation. Don’t do it!
The wide end of the hollow candle is lit, the tapered end is gently inserted into the outer opening of the ear. The candle is not inserted deeply or painfully, just firmly enough to create a seal all the way around to keep smoke from leaking out of the ear.
The flame at one end of the candle creates smoke which travels through the tapered end into the ear canal. The closed fire-smoke system also creates vacuum loop sending the smoke back up the candle toward the flame.
As the candle rests in the ear, smoke warms the ear canal causing the pores lining the canal to “sweat” whereby drawing out wax and debris that has not yet entered the ear canal. This is the non-invasive magic of ear candling. Not only can the canal be cleansed, but “beyond the canal” can be cleansed also.
Tiny drops of melted ear wax, particles of yeast and mold will float on the smoke from the ear canal and beyond to the inside of the candle where it cools and collects.
The candles I use are designed to offer two burns per ear (see blue & red lines in the first photo). I burn the first half for one ear to the blue line, snuff the flame, empty the candle and light again. I do this until both ears have had two burns.
I empty the contents of the candle onto a paper plate in between burns so that my clients can inspect the debris. What we see are: candle wax, candle ash, ear wax, yeast, and mold growing on the yeast.
The colors and consistency of the candle beeswax and ear wax are completely different. Beeswax is lighter in color and ear wax in stickier.
In the photo below, the rusty brown pieces are collected, cooled bits of ear wax. The yellow powder is mostly candle ash with some cream colored yeast.
A common argument against ear candling that everything on the plate is a product of the candle itself. I use identical candles in both ears and make two burns for the same amount of time & candle length, therefore if all the debris were from the candle itself, all four piles of debris should be identical.
But they are not as you can clearly see below.
I highly recommend ear candling to relieve symptoms of discomfort within the ear and sinuses. Those who should not be ear candled are people who have injured or ruptured ear drums.
One session may or may not relieve your symptoms so multiple sessions may be necessary and those who suffer seasonal allergies will want to get candled regularly before pollen counts climb. It’s also a great idea to have your ears candled before flying in an airplane to relieve potential ear pressure.
If you are in or near the Hilton Head Island, SC area, contact me for an ear candling session.
{ 102 comments… read them below or add one }
I thoroughly enjoyed my candling session this afternoon and thank you for your willingness to work me in on short notice. Though I am still assessing the efficacy of the treatment in reducing the symptoms associated with my Meniere’s Disease. From what I’ve read, the disorder is associated with a build up of fluid pressure in the inner ear, so it is possible that candling would not have a substantive effect. It was, however, most relaxing and I’d highly recommend it for anyone needing to clean out their ears due to excessive build up. Much more comfortable than a syringe full of fluids injected into the ear canal.
Perhaps coaxing out the ear wax and debris helps to relieve some of the pressure. So sorry you are dealing with this. I will send anything I info I find that may help you find relief. Take care, xo-C.
Carla Golden recently posted..Ear Wax, Yeast & Mold, Oh My! All About Ear Candling with Photos
I have had several ear candle appointments with Carla, and it has been so helpful. Where I have had earaches due to build-up from pollen and wax, she has been a lifesaver. I would recommend her to anyone who has ear issues, or if you just need to relax!
Thanks Krissy for your kind words!
Carla Golden recently posted..The Light-Worker’s Diet: Eating for God
Could you share where you get your 1″ candles with the 2 lines? I’m not in your area (Ohio) and would like to try these. You can private message me if you prefer. Thanks for your consideration.
I purchase King Cone brand. You can do a Google search online for different distributors. They average around $10-12 a set.
Do you use beeswax candles? On the King Cone brand website, I could not find what kind of wax they use to make their candles.
Right now I do use beeswax (not vegan) candles unfortunately. The only other option I have found is cheaply made paraffin candles that I don’t consider safe to use. Ideally I’d like to find some quality soy wax ear candles.
I’d want to seek organic, if soy! We don’t need any GMO or Roubdup chemicals burning during a session. I wonder if soy wax has ever been tested for this! About to do a search on it myself since we used to do this back in the ’80’s/’90’s and are planning a long airplane journey at the end of summer! Great article!
An organic soy ear candle would be ideal! Let me know if you find anything Ellen. Thanks!
I have used King Cone’s for a long time! I used to work with a massage therapist and i did all the ear candling! I was also a dedicated user of them too! I love his candles, and yes they are beeswax. That in my opinion are the best kind to get!
One of my sons is struggling with Meniers disease. Is there any relief available for him?
Ear candling may help your son. I would research alternative healing modalities and read what has helped others. Good luck with this!
Late to the party but Meniers can be related to gluten intolerance or celiac.
My ears are quite blocked and have been for a whole now yet I can’t get it all out?
When I use the candles, all that comes out is pale yellow, powdery chunks, when squashed, goes to an ultra fine powder and turns an orangey colour.
Is this candle ash or something else?
Also, so far I’ve used 3 full candles for my right ear and it still feels blocked. How many is too many before I should try a dr and syringe instead?
Laura – are you using the long, fat beeswax ear candles. Are you doing the ear candling on yourself or do you have someone helping you?
I have permanent holes left in my ears from tubs, can I still use the candles?
Susan, I would discuss this with a reputable therapist. You could try ear candling to see how it feels and works on you. You could always stop a session if there is any discomfort or concern.
I have a permanent hole in my left ear as well. I know this post is 4 yearsb I ld but the big candles help pull wax out and there is no discomfort. It does actually work.
As I am based in Bali, ear candling is easily available here. I find it calming and excellent for gently removing wax and debris that builds up – especially here, where the humidity is very high.
I would love to use beeswax candles which are not available here. Do you have a supplier who can deliver to Bali…
I ordered some 100% beeswax lavender scented candles from the ear candle lady. http://Www.earcandlelady.com
Hi. When I breathe through my nose my left ear seems as if air is traveling through it also. Mainly when I take a deep breath. I’m not sure What’s going on but it’s been bothering me..any ideas on how and why it seems air is traveling through my nose and ear????.. anyhow.. I used the candle last night and actually have some relief. When I took the candle out of my ear and looked into the rest of the candle and I saw alot of stuff in there..is it from the candle? I don’t understand how the ear wax Can actually move up into the candle.
Hi Genie, both the inner ear and nose are connected by the throat so air circulates through them all. The contents inside the candle are both ash from the candle and ear wax. “Tiny drops of melted ear wax, particles of yeast and mold will float on the smoke from the ear canal and beyond to the inside of the candle where it cools and collects.” Hope that helps!
Hi Carla,
I enjoyed your post! How often have you done this therapy with people who have very itchy ear canals? Do you ever work with people who have eczema of the inner ear?
Thank you!
I have ear candled many clients with itchy ear canals however I do not recall working with anyone who specifically was dealing with eczema. I would not hesitate to try it however.
You should never use a paper or plastic plate as a barrier. Paper can catch fire and plastic can melt.
Thank you for the suggestion. I know some therapists use tin foil covered plates. In the 10 years that I have been practicing and offering ear candling to my clients, I have never come close to a plate catching on fire. But thank you for the warning!
I did a test with ear candling . If you burn it without even putting it into your ear you will still see all that supposedly ear wax at the end. Burn it for awhile and see. It still has that waxy stuff at end of candle that looks like ear wax. It’s a hoax. Saw thuscexplained on another website.
I am approving your comment even though you are trying to debunk the benefits of ear candling. Ear wax is a completely different color and consistency than beeswax. It’s easy to tell them apart. If the candles themselves produced all the particulate and wax then each 4″ segment of the candle should produce the same amount and type of particulate and wax. Having done this method for 10 years I can attest that no two piles of particulate or wax are the same between the four burns from the same client or between different clients. The clients that come to me for ear candling feel better after the procedure. Sinus pressure is relieved, itching subsides, hearing is improved, and congestion is alleviated. I stand by the procedure and I recommend high quality candles under the application of an experienced therapist.
I was very skeptical about ear candaling. I burned one in my right ear and burned 1 just by itself. I don’t know what was in the ear one, but there was a lot more of it and it was darker and orange colored. Not a double blind study or anything, but the candle does seem to pull somethings out of the ear.
Thank you for sharing your findings Tonya!
I did the same thing, as I have always wondered.. there is some dark harder clumbs in the non-ear burned candle, but not as much of it and not as big of clumps
Don’t use ear candling if it does not serve you.
I use them foy sinus pressure ad my ears get stopped up which causes pressure and swelling behind my jaw. With one whole candle per early jaw swelling goes away,so I can chew without pain, my vertigo is gone as well as ear and sinus pressure. I am a believer
Also let me add I burn a whole candle per ear every four weeks. I also have multiple autoimmune disorders and this keeps me away from any extra doctor appointment
I’m so glad that ear candling has given you relief! Thanks for sharing your experience here Sarah.
Hi Carla, I hope you can help. I’ve been a fan of ear candling for 11 years. I’ve recently had a bad virus and sinus infection which has now actually blocked one of my ears. Whilst I was unwell I did the ear candling treatment but it didn’t seem to make it any better. It’s been over a week and I’m really wanting to do the candle sessions as my ears are still blocked. My doctors have advised against it and I’ve read all sorts on the internet about scientific experiments where they have found the way form the candle to do into the ear and burn it, and clog it up with candle (bees wax). I did my own experiment twice at home which have only proved the ear candle does pull out wax, but i found a sticky coating of clear wax left in the covered glass jar (which was to mimicked an ear). It’s worrying me as I’m wondering if this coating has gone into my ear previously – as there is so much conflicting evidence I’m now confused, but need some relief in my ear as i now have server headaches and all the doctors do is give me antibiotics. Please advise, thank you
As you know, I am not a doctor and can’t diagnose anything. However, it has been my experience that human ears are not made of closed glass and so beeswax ear candles are going to behave differently in glass than they do ears. It has never been my experience in the 10 years that I have been ear candling clients and family that any residue is left in the ear. My clients experience relief from their congestion, allergies, colds, flus, and wax build up from ear candling sessions. I only use wide beeswax candles and would never use paraffin or thin candles and I would never perform ear candling on myself alone. I can’t guarantee what will or will not happen for your ears should you decide to ear candle again. If you eat or drink dairy, I would stop as it is mucous forming and creates congestion in the body. Best wishes and I hope you feel better soon!
Have you ever know ear candling to cause ear discomfort? I had an ear candling experince yeaterday (not from you) and have been left with an on again off again earache since. My ears have not hurt me for years!
In the last comment to this page I see the lady has asked about the wax being released into the ear from the candle based off a cup test. I do wonder why you think the candle would not release debris just because it is next to an ear and not glass.
I would have gained a better perspective on this practice if the four way example also included an ear candle burnt away from a human. In other words, a test with a control. Have you ever completed that test? If so, what results have you notived? Thanks!
Hi Tara, The only person I have ever ear candled who has felt discomfort has been my husband. He has extremely sensitive ears and hearing and didn’t like the experience so we curtailed the session. There was no injury or damage, just discomfort from the sound and sensation.
Do you know what kind of ear candles your therapist used during the session after which you experienced discomfort? I can not recommend ear candling with anything other than wide diameter beeswax ear candles.
Ear canals are porous and will not behave like a glass jar. It’s like asking if water will behave the same being poured into a sieve versus a bowl. Ear canals are not finite or rigid. They connect with an internal maze of cranial canals that are lined with porous skin. It’s a completely different experience to candle a living human ear or a inert glass jar. What the candle and smoke do in one can not be translated to the other.
No, I have not completed a test on a non-human subject because there is nothing to learn from it. What the smoke of an ear candle does to a glass jar has no impact on what the smoke and candle do to an ear canal. If an apple slice rots in a glass jar would you draw any conclusions from it about how that apple slice will behave inside a human stomach?
Ear canals can contain wax, yeast, and mold. Empty glass jars don’t. A secure seal where the candle enters the ear opening is confirmed in order to create a closed smoke vacuum. I don’t see how this is possible with a glass jar.
To ask (not that you did) if ear candling is safe is to ask if driving a car is safe. Yes and no, depending on the circumstances of multiple variables: who is driving the car, what kind of car, weather conditions, road conditions, etc. With ear candling, the type of candles matter, the experience of the therapist matters, and the state of the ear canal and the client all play into the outcome.
In my 10 years of ear candling, the only session I could not complete was with my husband. My daughter started having her ears candled at a young age (by me) and I would never put her, her hearing, or her ears in harms way. I would candle my dog’s ears if she’d lie still for it. I have only ever used one kind of ear candle and I have taken all the necessary precautions to provide a safe and effective experience.
I have a question I would so appreciate if you could answer. I’ve felt such intense pressure in my right ear ever since my shower on Tuesday morning. I’m assuming that maybe I pushed the earwax far back enough with my constant cleaning using q-tips and that maybe there is some trapped water behind it.
I used two ear candles per ear today for the first time, and a lot of wax came out. However, during the burning of the second candle on my right ear, I started to feel some discomfort and heat… My ear got slightly painfully hot.
I’m worried that maybe There is still a piece of wax that is stubborn and hasn’t come out because although my head feels so much clearer, the pressure is persisting.
They say to not use more than 3 candles in a week. I’m planning on using one more per ear tomorrow, but how can one know whether they got all the earwax out? Should that be the objective – to remove it all completely? What if that takes numerous candles? I’m going to try and get a referral for an ENT tomorrow because I’ve been suffering from such bad pressure for three days now.
I don’t want to use the syringe method. I feel like it would just push things in deeper. Sorry for the lengthy post, but I would be super appreciative if you could offer your opinion.
Hi Natalija, what kind of ear candles are you using and are you ear candling yourself? I can only recommend the type of beeswax ear candles featured in this blog post and I never recommend candling oneself. If you are having pain, I would visit your doctor to find out what is going on. Good luck!
I think I need that cause I wear hearing aide and they don’t seam to pick up everything I miss out on some word sounds and feel like something blocking
Look for a practitioner in your area and be sure to ask what kind of candles are used. Find someone who uses the correct type candles (as mentioned in this article) in order to protect yourself.
I have heard about ear candling for years and just recently tried it..in hopes of relieving the motion sensations I’ve been experiencing for 2 years now..( a Physical Therapist came up with “mal de disembarque” ) it is not vertigo – it’s like sea legs or I’m on a raft and a boat just went by..anyway I’ve done candling 2 x’s now and each time I feel like I need to do it more – it has made my sensations stronger ( it’s only been 4 days since the last time) the 1st time – it calmed down after a week . but do you think the candling can loosen old stuff that has been dormant, and pull it forward thus making me feel like I need to do each ear a couple more times. the 1st time was quite a bit of dark colored wax with lite yellow, dark yellow chunks, powder and crystal looking stuff, the last time not much wax, but more of the other – also used different quality of candle and they had a plastic safety cone in the tip – that ended up packed with the lighter powder(candle ash?) I Live 2 miles from Wally’s Naturals – who make ear candles and have been thinking of going there to get info from them. I really want to learn more and possibly offer this to others – how do I become an ear candling therapist?? Thanks for your time
I’m glad you have found this modality to be helpful! Listen to your body to guide you as far as frequency of candling. Talk to Wally’s. I was taught this modality in massage school so maybe check for a massage or technical school in your area. Maybe Wally’s knows how you can be trained and licensed to offer ear candling to clients. Best wishes!
Pleased to read you have survived the worst from hurricane Matthew. I am new on your site. I am 86 & have had ear cloning done. My question to you is when does one know when all wax has been removed. What should one look for & how long does it normally take. I would sincerely like your input.
Thank you Irene. It will take us a while to clean up after Hurricane Matthew but we will rebuild stronger than ever.
You don’t necessarily want all the wax out of your ear. Some wax is necessary for protection. When your ears feel boggy or itchy, it’ll be time for a new session. Time between sessions vary for individuals based on unique rates of wax production. Hope that helps.
Sincerely appreciated your response, Carla. Through our trials we rise out of the ‘storm & debris’ & realize much about ourselves & priorities. Life is a precious GIFT!
The large Harmony candles are used in my sessions. Are you familiar with them? I have had two/three candle sessions in each ear & much debris has been removed by what I have observed. Years ago I lost much hearing from my right ear due to a virus & a specialist told me that a hearing aid would not help.(did not know of ear candling at that time) That was not good news. I believe in ear candling & my concern is that I have lost some hearing recently in my left ear & the candling has drawn much out from what I observed. My sessions have been a week apart. ( 3 large candles in each ear /and two sessions completed)
You mentioned that ear wax is necessary for the ears & I well understand that. Can ear candling remove too much of the good wax needed? How does one know?
I still have debris coming out of my left ear after those two/three candle sessions…..In your experience would you recommend to do another 3 candle in the left ear….Carla?
Or, if I were your patient, would you recommend to give that ear a period of rest?
I don’t mean this to put you on the spot, but I respect your 20yrs.experience in candling
with clients. Yes, I’m sure you glean from my words that I am concerned of losing hearing in the left ear, so my questions are for moral support too. I have been from the ‘Alternative’ approach in health matters for years & raised family the same. So we are on the same page as the saying goes.
Hi Irene, I’m concerned that you are candling too much. Using three large candles in each ear per session seems like too much. I do believe that over-ear candling can strip the inner ear of necessary wax/lubricant/protection. Some debris on the plate after candling is going to be candle ash. It is not all from the ear. Be sure to know how to tell apart candle debris from ear debris. Yes, I would rest the ear. You can stress it and cause further imbalance with too much candling. I do not have 20 years experience with ear candling, but 11 years. Do some research into Young Living Helichrysum essential oil for hearing loss too. This might help. Good luck!
You must have had a great chuckle. I re-read my first e-mail to you….I said I have had ear cloning done. I guess at my age, I can have an excuse for nimble fingers. Ha!
Hope to have your response to my morning question today. 10/19/16. Thank you!
Thank you Carla….I felt a rest would be best too.
Amazing Post! I am loving your style of writing with compete detail.
Thank you! :o)
Hi, I have had 3 shingles outbreaks in my L/S ear, in 2016. Also had outbreaks in 2004 and 2013. Vaccinated in 2013, but it didn’t work. So beginning November 1, I started ear candling both ears to relieve sense of fullness, dimimishing hearing and l/s ear pain. After about 3 weeks of candling, a creamy white reside appears on the l/s ear and l/s face about 5 minutes after a session. It does not occurs on the right side ear. Any ideas? Thank you for your time and attention. I am using Wally’s 12″ beeswax candles and a heavy paper plate to protect face and head, so I don’t see how tthis could be candle residue. Both ears produce lots of wax. Took pictures today of my coated ear and face, and can forward if you think they would be helpful.
Have you experienced any relief from the shingles symptoms since starting the ear candling? If you would like to forward your photos to me you can at carla@carlagoldenwellness.com and I can take a good guess. For legal purposes, I must remind you that I am not a qualified physician and sharing your medical information with me is for self-education purposes only.
I was just candling with beeswax candles. My son and I have both been benefiting from this for years. All went well on my left ear. I have been extremely itchy and could feel it pulling from deep inside. When we were about 30 seconds into my right ear a drop of hot wax rolled into my ear. Have you ever had this happen? I’m scared I’ve damaged my ear. (There are no candling therapists in my area. I do my son’s and my hubby does mine)
Were you using beeswax candles? Did you have a plate around the candle to catch falling wax? I have never had this happen due to the precautions I take.
Hello Carla like others I am enjoying your post as well as the comments section. I have had a candling session in the past without much effect. I have noticed my hearing is not what it used to be, I am constantly asking people to repeat themselves. It also feels as if there is a small amount of pressure. Would you consider these typical symptoms of your clientele? I am going to try candling again (fingers crossed). Do you favor an upright position with a horizontal candle or laying head to one side with the candle being upright?
Hello Dalefino, When you are ear candled, are these large beeswax candles used? They are the only ones that I recommend. None of my clients have complained about hearing loss or pressure after a candling session. I have always delivered this modality with the client horizontal on a massage table. Best wishes! I hope you find resolution.
Hello, Carla,
I am scheduled to have a ear candling session in 2 days from now. I have been experiencing vertigo for 3 months and my ears feel a lot of pressure, as well as my head and sinuses. I was wondering if you have experienced or heard of anyone having success with ear candling helping vertigo?
Hi Suzy. Good luck with your session! I hope it offers you some relief. I have not had any clients with vertigo but I have had clients with ear pressure and it was helped with candling. Make sure your practitioner uses safe (non-paraffin) candles and uses a drip tray or another method for catching any candle wax drips.
I burned 1 candle in each ear down to about 3″ from the plate and got a ton of the thick hard dark orange ( ear wax looking ) stuff in chunks mixed with the fine powdery residue… then I burned one without putting it in my ear and there was still some dark chunks but about 1/4 of the amount. I just can not imagine having that much wax buildup in my ear and a dr. not seeing that.. I get checked quite a bit at the ENT.
does the suction of having the candle in the ear cause it to burn and collect residual dark hard wax differently then just burning it alone.. to determine the substance I would have to have it scientifically analyzed for content.. just don’t know !
The color of melted beeswax is different than the color of earwax. The beauty of ear candling is that the vacuum created by the candle draws melted droplets of wax from beyond the ear canal.
Don’t use ear candling if it does not serve you.
Hi! I’m new to ear candling and my husband did this for me tonight ( as I ordered candles online and have been wanting to try) I was so excited that I convinced him. I’ve been suffering with severe headaches and brain fog and a friend suggested I try candling. It’s helping some since I’ve done though I feel dizzy and a lot more congestion and pressure. Do you have any advice? I only did 1 w each ear. And got a lot of the very thick dark brown stuff that looked like wax. Now I feel like I’m almsot choking on mucus in my throat and pressure on my face. Please help would love suggestions. I’m not in your area (MD) otherwise I would visit tomorrow!!!
How did your experience ultimately go? Do you use paraffin wax (white) or beeswax (tan) candles?
Hi Carla
My husband and I both had our ears professionally candled 3 days ago. I love it but Joe my ears itch insanely! They itch right where the candle tested and I can’t stop scratching (sticking my finger in my ear and wriggling it). Do you think I’m allergic to the candles? Any advice to relive the constant itch?
Do you know if the candles that were used were dipped in beeswax or paraffin wax?
If the ear wax residue is brown why is it in your test the wax residue is the same color from the non-inserted candle as the inserted candle. The byproducts you mention from the ears are exactly the same in all 4 test panels (regardless of volume the non inserted candle residue should look completely different yet it’s identical to the inserted candle residue. There’s no science that says warm candle smoke melts and draws up ear wax. I’m suspicious candle smoke warmth does’t approach the 150º necessary to melt wax nor is it capable of drawing it (if it were melted) into a cone. I’m also suspicious the whole thing is a hoax sorry to say. I did it for years and now do not.
It has been my experience that the 4 sessions of burning 4″ of the candle (twice in each ear) produces different composition and volume of debris. Melted beeswax is a different color than melted ear wax which is much darker, more orange, and sticky. Also debris piles are very different from one client to the next. If 4″ of candle are burned 4 times on every client, then every debris pile from different clients and from the same client should be identical which they are not. Be skeptical. Declare ear candling a hoax. I’ll still offer it to my clients who derive much benefit from the modality.
Wondered if you had any input on this. Great article by the way! I’m a big fan of ear candling but after Everytime of doing it, I end up with very itchy ears almost like I end up with an infection of sorts. I’ve had to get a prescription each time to heal it. Do you know what would be causing this? Prior to ear candling each time, I don’t have any symtp.s that mirror post candling. Thank you!!
I’ve not experienced this myself or with my clients. What kind of candles were used: paraffin or beeswax? There might be a contact allergy.
My friend, who has been ear candling for several years, was ear candling me recently and saw smoke coming out of my ear rather than the candle. She quickly took it out because she did not know what it meant. Do you have an explanation for this?
It sounds to me like there was not a snug seal between the ear candle tip and your ear opening. Smoke will leak out of the vacuum smoke loop if there is not a snug seal. Sounds like you were being ear candled by an inexperienced ear candler.
I wanted to leave a comment here as am so tired of reading all these sites saying that ear candling is a hoax and dangerous. They have never tried ear candling themselves, or if they did, did not know how to do it properly, just repeat the same old hoax warnings with no comment sections for rebuttals. And they’re usually doctors = ka-ching! They want your $ folks!
I’ve been candling for over 20 years and have nothing but positive things to say. For anyone doubting whether candling ‘draws’ debris/wax from the ear, anyone claiming that is total bunk, then please reply here to me with YOUR explanation after reading my very first experience with candling.
I used large beeswax candles and had just a little waxy debris on the first candles, a lot of yellowish powder with a tiny bit of wax, subsequent candle really got things cooking and I could definitely feel something moving up out of the ear. When I cut this one open and inspected it I could not believe my eyes. Inside the variegated colored waxes there were black grains of sand along with some tan sand. Yes. SAND. I was an avid surfer for decades but had not been surfing in probably TWENTY YEARS! l looked with a magnifying glass to make sure, had another person there look, crumbled the wax to get to the grains to determine if it really was sand and, yup, sand. So for anyone who crows that candling is a hoax, that there is no ‘vacuum’, no ‘draw’, you are mistaken. There is no way in twenty years that sand in an outer ear would not be washed out with showering, puh-leeze. IT WAS DEEP IN MY EAR CANAL AND ONLY DRAWN OUT BY CANDLING! IT WORKS!
I believe you Anon. That’s an amazing testimonial!
Just a thought, but to convince skeptics that candling is not a “hoax,” would it not be possible to show before and after pix of the ear canal? I just got an ear camera/light on amazon for $45 that you connect to your phone so you can even see inside your own ears.
By the way, have you heard of anything that helps tinnitus caused by hearing loss? Trying a lot of different things but so far nothing has helped.
Thanks for posting so much helpful information!
Cool! I didn’t know there were such cameras. Thanks for the tip. I apologize that I do not have any specific recommendations for you to relieve tinnitus. I did find the tidbit below however and a whole food, plant-based diet cleans and clears the arteries. It might give you a good lead to follow.
“Many diseases are caused by compromising the flow of blood to various tissues. Close the arteries to the brain and you have a stroke; to the eye, macular degeneration; to the inner ear, hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing), and vertigo (dizziness); to the heart, myocardial infarction; to the kidneys, renal failure; to the leg, gangrene; and to the penis, impotence.” – Dr. McDougall from his October 2007 newsletter.
Hello, I am not sure why there is such a dedicated movement to attempt to debunk the true effectiveness of ear candles.
I think some careless people have hurt themselves with cheap candles and poor procedure in addition to good ear candling is effective and not part of medical school protocol. Natural, effective, holistic modalities, which have been around for centuries, are a threat to the modern medical for-profit system.
It is quite mind-boggling that there currently exists such a dedicated and well-funded conspiracy behind the attempt to debunk thousands of years of the simple and effective use of ear candles. Maybe the Q-tip industry is pushing this absurd smear campaign? Or maybe there’s a reason behind EVERYTHING being a** backwards in American culture today, especially within the profit-oriented medical field. What I do know for fact is that before I had used the ear candles, I had been irritated to the point of anger, anxiety, and even depression over a deposit of sand within one ear, due to some ****** **** throwing a clump of sand point blank into my ear one day on the beach of a river. Consequently, for about a 3 year period i would occasionally excavate a few grains out with a Q-tip after showering. But this was no more than the equivalent of scratching an itch without the benefit of relieving the itch. Then one day, after having a positive experience of her own, my lovely angel of a next door neighbor had brought my roommate and I some ear candles to try. Immediately after using the candle I had finally received the long-awaited relief of removing the sand deposit that was literally driving me insane for over 3 years. My roommate’s ear wax pile was much bigger and darker than my pile, but as I sifted through it I discovered the deposit of sand which was roughly a little bit more than enough to fill a half of an average cigarette. So unless I had merely experienced a placebo effect, as well as one of my candles being accidentally constructed with a bunch of sand in it, then this is irrefutable proof that ear candles do indeed pull out ear wax and any other annoying debris, safely and effectively!
So sorry to read about your injury Joseph-Daniel and so glad the ear candles helped to remedy your situation! Great news!
I used to own a full service Spa, the massage therapist that worked for me taught me how to do candling…..10 years later I candled my grown sons ear which I haven’t done in years, he still loves it…..I had one leftover candle, have to order more. Anyway, she used to put a drop of some kind of ear oil around the ear, and I only remember it smelling like garlic, do you recommend an oil after candling?
Thank you!
If I were to use an oil after ear candling, I’d rub a small amount of high quality lavender essential oil around the ear opening without getting any oil inside the ear. Lavender is soothing and most people like it. I know that some people have used an “old-wives remedy” of placing a garlic clove in an aching ear so maybe your massage therapist used some kind of garlic oil preparation based off of that.
Hi Carla, I candled my ears today and got a good size slug of wax from each ear. I then folloed that with spraying hydrogen peroxide. It sounded like pop corn popping. Is there a danger in doing that??
Love your thoughts and web site
Hi Tony, I can not recommend or discourage using hydrogen peroxide in the ear. I do not do this with my clients so do not have experience from which to speak. In general hydrogen peroxide usually bubbles as a chemical reaction so that is probably what you were hearing. Stay safe! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
I really love getting my ears candled!!! I even got my husband to do it after 40 years being together, pushing a wooden Qtip into his ear. He is deaf in one ear now, but I noticed that his hearing is a little bit better after having ear candling! I do it because my sinus problems and allergies and candida problems are off the charts because of penicillin use for 21 years straight,back in 1952 after a heart problem and rheumatic fever. I know it works. That’s all that matters to me. This is America and I believe in it and Live it! Thanks for people like you that think OUT SIDE THE BOX!!!
Thank you for your testimonial Linda. I’m glad that ear candling has been helpful to you and your husband.
Hi Carla,
My partner recently did my first ear candling on me. It was great. There was no wax and just the soft yellow powder. Wondering what that is? I then have had a horrible migraine for a few days. Could this be a result of the candling?
Thank you,
As stated in the article “The yellow powder is mostly candle ash with some cream colored yeast.” What type of candles did you use? If they were paraffin-dipped, they could have caused a headache from the toxic smoke.
Hello! I’m glad I found your website. As I can now see, Google censors information. When searching ‘ear candling’ on Google, all that came up was outrageous claims of ear candling being dangerous, etc. Ridiculous. As a side note, I’d like those people to convince me how something that has been used since Atlantis, and with Ayurveda practices, could possibly be dangerous. Anyway
I found your website by searching through the Images on Google. There you will find the real information.
Sometime last year I ended up going to an urgent clinic and had my ears cleaned out (like we used to have done as a kid). Definitely helped, even though I don’t like that sensation of the warm water nor the sensation of ear drops. So, fast forwarding several months to now– I could tell my ear wax was building up again and they were getting clogged, etc. I didn’t take care of it soon enough and ended up having my hearing decrease by, what seems like 80-to-90%!! My diminished hearing and slight (sort of like an undercurrent) of ringing, or just generally muffled sounds/buzzing/ringing has been happening now for almost two weeks. I used ear candling for the first time on Thursday, and then the second session last night. Thankfully my partner has known about ear candling for many, many years and even sold some at an organic market he worked at. The first session really helped with the pressure that seemed to be building. The pressure seemed almost too much to handle so I was glad that I could relieve it right away with the ear candles. I’m still getting used to this process. I also couldn’t do that second session until two days after the first session. I’d really like to continue, however I am menstruating and thought I read somewhere not to use an ear candle while menstruating. Would you agree, or have any information on that?
My last question is, what should I look for to indicate maybe having an ear infection? I don’t have any pain, though. At the same time, I’m under the impression that ear candling clears out the canals and system, and so if an infection was present, wouldn’t it clear that out as well? Understanding, of course, that I am not asking a medical doctor. Any information is greatly appreciated. Oh, sorry, one last thing… is there a type of product that comes out of the ear that is indicative of actual hearing loss? I thought I read that maybe it would be what’s called ‘white candle wax’ that indicates hearing loss? But again it’s hard to find the information in the first place and it seems I forgot to bookmark the page.
Thank you so much!
Hi Cassidy, I’ve not read anything that contraindicates menstruating with ear candling. If you have an ear infection it’s going to be painful and tender. I’d recommend you see a physician ASAP. The sinus system in the skull is not a closed system, it’s porous, so something like the vacuum of an ear candle may only address what is currently in the system but not what hasn’t entered through the pores yet. I’m not an Ears Nose and Throat specialist and I’d recommend you see a physician if you suspect an infection. I’m not aware of anything that could come out of an ear candle that would represent hearing loss and I’m not familiar with “white candle wax.” Stay safe.
The test you should really do is between one candle that has been in the ear, and the other candle which is just burned outright nowhere near the ear. I did that, and the contents were exactly the same. So the candling did nothing. Try this test and you will see for yourself.
I’ve done something similar and you are right. The debris looks very much the same. Yet my clients say that the candles help them. Perhaps it’s all about the smoke that re-balances or harmonizes discomfort.
My son had an ear infection, the dr prescribed drops, the drops wouldn’t drain, we used the ear candles and within two days the ear drops were able to drain but the ear pain was gone we didn’t even need the ear drops!! We swear by these!!
Marvelous testimonial! Thank you for sharing it here Miranda.
I’ve just had my first Hopi ear candle done and she showed me inside. The left ear candle had a lot of water in. I had been to the audiologist who said it’s pressure but to me if felt like water in my ear. The lady who did it said she’s never know water to be in a candle after treatment just power abs wax. Have you had this? Thank you
I’ve not seen that happen, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it did.
Carla, can I ask, where you purchase your King Cone Ear Candles? I love the King Cones (looks exactly like the picture you’ve posted) I was using, but I think the company closed it’s doors or are no long selling them. I have been looking for 1″ diameter beeswax candles as they are gentler on the ear and feel they pull out the most wax and yeast. Other candles on the market are skinner and not very effective. Thank you for your response.
It’s a bummer than King Cone has closed its doors. They made the best ear candles!
Im getting over a sinus infection, and decided to do some ear candling due to my inner ears starting to hurt. I did one session yesterday, and had to do another session today. My right ear feels fine and nice empty. My left ear is still filled with wax, should I candle the left one one more time? Is the objective to remove all the wax?
A sinus infection doesn’t have much to do with wax. It’s more of a mucous and inflammation issue. Our ear canals need some wax, so the objective is not to remove all the wax. I would let your ears rest and focus on recovering from the sinus infection fully. Perhaps hydrating more, consuming more detoxifying foods, and getting plenty of rest will help your body eradicate the sinus infection fully. Using a neti pot properly may aid in sinus infection recovery. Ear candling may ease pressure from inflammation but can not remove infection. Good luck! If you still have discomfort, please see your doctor.