Words of Wisdom: “Do What You Love”

Written for CH2 by Kimberly Clark

Carla Golden

Carla Golden

“Do what you love.” Words of wisdom. One woman on Hilton Head Island lives this truism to the benefit of anyone fortunate enough to know her. Local resident, Carla Cappiello Golden chose to study massage therapy when her daughter entered preschool. The journey that has unfolded since has been one of an ever-increasing passion for health and well-being. Carla radiates a magnetic strength. Speaking with warm infliction and assured competence, her kind eyes exude a patient aura of wisdom. Carla’s treatment room smells divine due to the essential oils she uses in her specialty treatment—Raindrop Therapy Massage. A blend of up to 12 essential oils is used with massage to promote healing and well-being. The sunlit walls are adorned with charts and graphs of the human body in all of its glorious interconnectedness. You need not spend long with Carla to know that she loves what she does and cares about the people she meets.

From this love, Carla shares the view that health is an individual’s responsibility. “If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you. I provide people with the information, and I hope they find it useful to their own health,” she said. Carla is so committed to researching and sharing health related information that she started her own blog, OneHealthyGirl.Com. She converses on many health-related issues from fasting to the dangers of consuming processed foods. Her mantra is to demystify the notion that Holistic health care is Voodoo. “We live in a society that has long operated on a treatment model of healthcare. The rising costs of medical care, along with prescriptive medicines, calls for a more preventative approach to health,” she said. “A preventative approach to one’s own health care not only reduces medical costs, in the long run, it restores the integrity of an individual’s responsibility to be active in their own health.”

Carla posts a great deal about the food we eat. She laments, “How often do you see an advertisement for an apple?” She argues strongly that the FDA is a conflict of interest. “The Food AND Drug Administration? Food and Drugs should be separate,” she said. “There is so much advertising money spent on processed food. It is simply not good for you. You consume the processed food, and then you need the drugs to treat the ailments that the foods have caused.” Carla is bold and honest—all in hopes of informing others for the betterment of health.

Taking her love of information sharing a step further, Carla has developed a Nationwide Data Base Directory called WellnessDestinationsCentral.com. Carla developed this Web site out of recognition for a need to offer affordable advertising to wellness practitioners. Her desire is to advocate for other wellness practitioners. Practitioners consist of anyone providing services for natural health such as chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, homeopathic doctors, health food stores, yoga instructors, personal trainers, nutritionists, physical therapists, etc.

Any practitioner wishing to register his or her services may do so for free. There are also paid advertising spots for anyone looking to increase their space and information. The site bridges alternative practitioners and wellness-seeking clients. Carla’s goal is simple. “I want to increase the ease of access to holistic health care information and increase accessibility to the mainstream. I want to demystify the myths about alternative treatments,” she said.

By bridging alternative practitioners and wellness-seeking clients, Carla is helping people achieve their own authentic wellness while simultaneously helping practitioners advertise their services. The site is easily accessible and user friendly for both practitioners wishing to use the site for advertisement, and for clients seeking wellness professionals. You can even join through Facebook. There is a glossary of therapy terms, and an easy search page set up by state, city and therapy you are seeking…1, 2, 3.

Carla remains a strong supporter of the medical community. Her father is an orthopedic surgeon, and her husband Chad, is a dentist. Her goal is to empower people to feel confident to ask questions of their healthcare providers and to challenge themselves to treat their bodies with care. This means a conscientious choice to eat a balanced diet of wholesome foods and stay active. Her gift is to share information that she has found essential to her own health and the health of her family. It is often perceived that our medical community is omnipotent, whether it is the doctor, the hospital, the pharmacy, etc. Carla goes on to say, “Question the pill you are about to put into your body. Find out if you can treat your ailment from its root, instead of just treating the symptoms.”

Carla’s aim is to empower people with knowledge in regard to health care. If you want to learn more about taking charge of your own health, visit Carla’s blog, onehealthygirl.com. Learn more about her newest venture at wellnessdestinationscentral.com.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

kathleen December 31, 2014 at 7:34 am

Congratulations Carla! Love this article. And you know I love you too. My goodness when I think of all I’ve learned from you over the last couple of years!! And for every person you help, they tell others and your offerings potentially reach tens of tens more than that one.

You have taught me how to love myself as a result of reading your words, buying real and good foods, and loving my body. Over my time with you I have incorporated essential oils, baking soda (my home staple), epsom salt, and raw honey and organic unrefined coconut oil into my daily routine and I’m finding life after 50 feeling best.

Thank you Carla,
Always, Kathleen


Carla Golden December 31, 2014 at 7:52 am

Such a beautiful note Kathleen!!! Wow, thank you!!! I am so happy that you have picked up some tips from me that have amplified and augmented your health and happiness. I love my work and when I receive messages like this, I know I’m on the right path. Thank you, keep up the great self-love, and I’m so thankful we’re on this path together. Love you! xoxox.


paul spivack April 18, 2015 at 8:40 pm

Everything written here is true. I am a recipiant of this love, so I know.


Carla Golden April 18, 2015 at 10:59 pm

Thanks for being awesome Paul!!! It’s been great to be on this journey with you!


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