Emotional McDonald’s

In a previous post, I made bold the following section:

“Put simply, when the quality of the food coming into the body is of higher quality than the tissues which the body is made of, the body begins to discard the lower grade materials and tissues to make room for the superior materials which it uses to make new and healthier tissue.”

There are times when I’m encourage to sway from my regular way of eating and have a cocktail, a slice of cake, a bowl of ice cream or a burger. “Come on, one time won’t hurt you.” And me, being the staunch food nerd that I am, I decline with a smile saying “One meal can heal, or one meal can poison.” I’m glad that the section from yesterday’s post echoes my belief about this.

I eat the way I do because of the positive reinforcement of feeling so well. I don’t feel deprived of ANYTHING. I don’t miss bread. I don’t miss sweet tea. And I don’t miss pizza or dessert. I know I am boring, but I am feeling fabulously, energetically boring.

Fast Food Emotions

Fast Food Emotions

During my massage work today, I fell into deep thoughtful meditation about how emotions are so much like food….spiritual food. Let me reword the prized quoted section, with alterations:

“Put simply, when the quality of the emotion coming into the body is of higher quality than the energy which the body is made of, the body begins to discard the lower grade energy to make room for the superior energy which it uses to make new and healthier energy.”

Then and there I had an epiphany!

Why, I’ll get better at being as disciplined about my emotional intake as I will about my food intake. No more emotional McDonald’s for me! I don’t want your quarter pound guilt trip with cheese nor your side order of salted anger and certainly not your super-sized cup of carbonated envy. And please, that baked crapple pie you keep trying to share? Thanks, but no thanks.

But do, by all means, come sit close to me on a blanket of friendship with your bright red and juicy fruit of compassion and your crunchy, fresh leaves of forgiveness and your plump, sweet slices of support and don’t forget your colorful, nourishing sprigs of inspiration. Let’s share a picnic of kindness, love and laughter to fortify our souls with higher waves of positive, creative energy.

I prefer my emotions like my food: raw, organic, natural, healthful and nourishing.

One relationship – like a meal – can heal, or one relationship – like a meal – can poison. We are what we eat AND what we feel. Disease is disease regardless of the source.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Laurie Bunting November 6, 2012 at 7:07 pm

Anyone that has sat by you Carla has been at a feast of kindness, real, raw,and full of fruits of goodness, veggies of sustenance, and all good. Inside and out! Thankyou for the picnic.It always leaves me full of all that matters! Gingham table cloth or not!!!!


Carla Golden November 6, 2012 at 10:03 pm

Aw, you’re the best LB!! Thank you from the center of my heart! <3


Lisa Froman February 23, 2014 at 3:34 pm

I love this. I’m going to tweet it out! Hope you’re doing well, and thank you for the reminder to take care of myself energetically.
Lisa Froman recently posted..Sundays in the Church of QuietMy Profile


Carla Golden February 23, 2014 at 4:08 pm

I’m glad you enjoyed it Lisa! Thanks for Tweeting! xo.


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