The Blog Post That Starbucks Doesn’t Want You to Read

(Warning: You’re going to either love me or love your coffee by the end of this post, probably not both. That’s ok. I’ll still love you.)

Here’s something profound that you need to understand for excellent health: Fuel vs. Energy.



They’re not the same thing?

Nope! And it’s important to your health to understand just how very different fuel is from energy and then I’ll explain why drinking coffee is not in your best interest…even though it tastes so yummy, wakes you up, and keeps you regular. Ah-hem.

Think of a car: energy is generated by the car battery and fuel goes in the gas tank. To operate correctly a car needs both energy and fuel. We humans have vital nerve energy which is the low-grade electrical current generated by the brain (our head battery) and innervates the body so that all functions are performed within their normal and healthful parameters. Fuel for humans goes in the mouth in the form of food with calories. We need both, just like a car.

Innervation = good.

When we are tired (low energy) there is no amount or type of food (fuel) that can make us authentically un-tired. Only sleep, rest, fasting, meditation or prayer can recharge the brain. Energy drinks and energy bars can not give you energy, only fuel at best.

What does this have to do with your beloved cup of coffee?

Fuel Coffee

Fuel Coffee

First, did you know that 300 million Americans drink about 400 million cups of coffee every day? And 1.7 million cups of coffee are consumed every day worldwide? Coffee is one of the highest traded commodities in the world, second only to oil. Hmmm…..

Coffee contains caffeine which is a stimulant, on that we can agree. The primary, but temporary, effect of caffeine stimulates the body into a heightened, but false, sense of well-being. However, the second and longer lasting effect produces weakness and exhaustion, otherwise known as enervation (as in “you’re on my last nerve at this point, Carla!”). Caffeine squanders vital nerve energy.

Enervation = bad.

Caffeine is a bodily poison. The body speeds up the metabolic process (enervation) to rid the body of the caffeine poison as quickly and efficiently as possible: increased heart rate, increased urination & defecation, and increased muscle contractions and activity (ie: the jitters). This is a survival step but one which exhausts vital nerve energy, hence the crash after the caffeine has successfully been eliminated.

Did you get that? The body wants caffeine out of the system as quickly as possible because of the chemical danger, but we tend to like this rush of “energy,” and, in fact, erroneously depend on it.

Caffeine is an addictive drug. Any substance not required for survival that is addictive is not beneficial to the body, especially drugs that squander vital nerve energy for elimination while providing no nutritional gain (fuel). If you do not believe that caffeine is addictive, quit cold turkey and let me know how you feel.

I know coffee lovers probably hate me at this point (if you’re still reading), but let me continue…

The caffeine in coffee robs your body of vital nerve energy. This is now clear. It needlessly wears down your battery creating less energy available for basic eliminative tasks at the cellular level. When cells are not regularly cleansed well, toxemia ensues, inflammation occurs and the descent into disease begins.

If coffee is your one and only drug of choice – no cigarettes, alcohol, prescriptive or recreational substances, or sugar – and you eat a predominantly plant based diet, then you can probably get away with minimal coffee consumption. If this is not your dietary landscape then I recommend weaning off coffee – 1/2 decaf to decaf to black tea to green tea to water – especially if you have episodes of acid reflux, bad breath, insomnia, anxiety, dehydration, acidosis, adrenal fatigue or tell-tale yellow-brown teeth.

Mark Twain

Mark Twain

Oh, and make no mistake, all this goes for caffeinated energy drinks and soda too!

I drink green matcha tea daily (LOVE the chlorophyll, though it comes with a bit of caffeine) and coffee on road trips (because arriving alive is worth the enervation) so I’m not there yet either. During phases of injury or health crisis I would forgo the matcha in order to free up all vital nerve energy for recovery.

By God, if coffee is your one true love in life then cling to it, however if you want true health freedom consider weaning off the bean and reclaiming your vitality.

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

Laurie Bunting November 6, 2012 at 6:38 pm

We love you Carla, not the coffee!!!!Love your message even more!!!! Your humor is AWESOME… “wean off the bean”. College students could, should, and would love to take on this message!!!Take it on the road!!!!! I hope my boys do!!! I was at the Cofc today with my College boys… Sat and watched all the students so bleary eye tired coming in for “the fix”.Swiping their cards,(probably overmaxing the debit) talking about how they had stayed up all night……. ordering that one more 5 dollar fix that breaks the day!! We know the rest! No rest. More tired. Less inspired.


Carla Golden November 6, 2012 at 10:04 pm

You are so spot on! I think you need to be a food rapper…LOL! not wrapper! Love your thoughts, words and the way you arrange them together. Such a masterful wordsmith foodie you are LB! <3


Rommy April 21, 2013 at 1:27 pm

Thank you for sharing this Carla! I love the analogy to automobile engines and fuel vs energy!


Carla Golden April 22, 2013 at 8:32 am

So glad you enjoyed it Rommy!
Carla Golden recently posted..Is Cancer Caused By Candida?My Profile


Andy cooke February 4, 2015 at 4:09 pm

One nurse in the UK convinced, and will be using these arguments to persuade my patients in the same vein


Carla Golden February 4, 2015 at 4:26 pm

Fantastic Andy! Good luck!


Pam Russell January 4, 2016 at 2:54 pm

Another A W E S O M E article, Carla! Way to go, girlfriend! Love all that you say and how you say it. XOXO, Pam


Carla Golden January 4, 2016 at 10:07 pm

Thanks a bunch Pam! xo


Pina_sunshine July 28, 2016 at 4:48 pm

Thanks for reminding me!!! I remember learning about caffeine and how it has no nutritional value and how coffee is really not the best for energy… Plus the nasty white sugar and high fructose corn syrup!!! I started working at a place where everyone loves Starbucks… At first we would treat eachother once every month or two, then it was once every other week, now it’s every week!!!! For the past two months my hubby and I was drinking something from Starbucks everyday… I’m so disappointed in myself for falling into that Starbucks fad!!!! I totally forgot what I learned in the past and I thank My Father in Heaven for guiding me to this blog to remind to get back on track with my health. Thank you Carla and God bless you for this blog and continue the good work!


Carla Golden July 28, 2016 at 10:56 pm

You’re welcome Pina. Power to you as you get back on the track you prefer. Thanks for taking the time to read & comment.


Timothy B. Chisholm June 3, 2020 at 12:55 pm

I think you need to check your numbers as far a 1.4 million cups of coffee worldwide per day. Shouldn’t that be 2.25 billion since the USA alone is consuming 400 million per day?,in%20the%20world%20every%20day.


Carla Golden June 4, 2020 at 12:43 pm

That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for providing these figures!


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