Prenatal & Postnatal Massage

Prenatal Massage

In normal, healthy pregnancies, massage has proved to be beneficial to both mother and unborn child. Properly applied massage can aid relaxation, benefit circulation, and soothe nerves. Prenatal massage is applied like any regular massage but in modified lying positions. Great care is taken to help the expectant mother find comfort during massage by using abundant pillows to support and cushion her body.

The lower back is a common area of strain during pregnancy due to extra weight of the growing fetus. Lateral and abdominal muscles are also under strain from carrying the extra weight and from stretching to accommodate the growing fetus. The main aim of prenatal massage is to help the expectant mother to relax. Women often comment on how pleasant and soothing they find massage to be during pregnancy because of its calming and reassuring effects.

High blood pressure and excess edema (swelling of hands, feet, and face) are contraindications for prenatal massage. Preeclampsia, a type of toxemia, is a condition sometimes occurring in the latter half of pregnancy and is characterized by high blood pressure, edema, and sodium retention. Indications of the condition include excessive weight gain or protein in the urine. The expectant mother may suffer headaches and dizziness and, in serious cases, convulsions. When toxemia is suspected, the expectant mother should see her physician or midwife without delay. If edema is minimal, it is acceptable to massage the legs and arms. Foot massage yields great relief to overtired feet,

Postnatal Massage

Often a mother will request massage throughout her pregnancy and after the child is born. Massage helps to relieve neck, shoulder, and lower back discomfort and is an aid in the relief of tension. When combined with proper exercise and diet, massage will be of value in regaining normal weight and firming slack muscles.

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