Full body massage procedures affect the quality and quantity of blood coursing through the circulatory system. With the increased flow of blood to the massaged area, better cellular nutrition and elimination are favored. The work of the heart is lessened due to the improvement in surface circulation. Under the influence of massage, the blood-making process is improved, resulting in an increase in the number of red and white blood cells.
Massage influences the blood and lymph vessels either by direct mechanical action on the vessel walls or by reflex action through the vaso-motor nerves. Pressure against the vessels not only tones their muscular walls but also propels the movement of the blood.
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Really excellent blog! incredibly clear way of presenting knowledge in a lighthearted way! I’m not even studying this for a degree or anything, just learning the knowledge for the sheer hell of it as really love learning about the body’s many intricate systems
thanks for making this!

I believe that massages are beneficial to one’s health; however, I never realized that they can greatly impact one’s immune system until now.